Sunday, February 21, 2010

Is Bloom Energy's Fuel Cell Miracle For Real? |Triple Pundit

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The interwebs are aflutter with fad over Bloom Energys tip tip Bloom Box fuel cell system eventually divulgence itself. For those who havent already checked it out (the website is still only a marquee), a company boasts that their systems could literally reinstate a electricity grid with dispersed, clean, as well as easy to maintain fuel cell boxes running upon a variety of fuels, water, as well as oxygen, with no explosion at all. Sound similar to hype? Their PR team has certainly been operative in overdrive

The dip has been leaking for a day right away upon a CBS website, as well as upon others together with Fortune as well as GreenTechMedia. However, Sunday night will be your initial chance to hear genuine sum about a Bloom Box when 60 Minutes airs a segment that with possibly hit your socks off, lift a lot of eyebrows, or both.

Bloom has already listed almost two dozen large companies who have been stealth testers of a mysterious device together with eBay, who claim to have already saved $100,000 as well as such long-lived sustainability favorites as Google as well as WalMart.

Exactly how it functions is among a surprises were supposed to get upon Sunday. Hank Green suggests that a device could be installed in homes, generating both electricity as well as heat, that would result in large efficiency gains. Commenters upon Reddit indicate out that a genuine assets may distortion in avoiding transmission as well as upkeep costs with a appurtenance thats most simpler to hoop than a full fledged power plant. Although a boxes cost a lot (up to $800K), a amount of power they allegedly put out some-more than creates up for it.

Why is this a large! deal? H ow do they differ from existing fuel cell backup systems already in place? Has a internet been hoodwinked by a single of a some-more successful broadside campaigns in recent memory? Its all TBA in a next few days

Check out 60 Minutes upon Sunday night for a sneak preview, afterwards leave your questions here. On Wednesday morning, 3ps Jim Witkin will attend a official unveiling in San Jose along with General Colin Powell, Arnold Schwarzenegger, large shots from Kleiner Perkins as well as more. Well be means to ask some pass questions as well as will tell a juicy sum as soon as weve got em.

Categorized: Clean Tech|

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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