Sunday, December 6, 2009

Uni Watch More Uni Design, More Football, and More!

Muraro, Ryan-Primary Wildcat Logo

By Phil Hecken

Back with turn dual of the Design-A-Uniform contest entries for the Clarksville High School ball team. If you longed for the initial collection of entries, you can see the whole thing here. Today you pierce upon to the second set of entries, as good as they have been any bit as good as the first. So, lets get started:


Adam Hainsfurther: submission

-Adam Hainsfurther-


Peter Halbrooks: submission

I demeanour brazen to observant everyone elses designs!



Joe Hilseberg: submission

Hey Phil,

So you threw the settlement together. you unequivocally similar to High School uniforms to be basic. Knowing which they already have the Cubs styled C shawl you yet you would work from that.

Home Jersey: you unequivocally played off of the Cubs demeanour as good as feel here by introducing the home pinstripe. It can be black or purplenot gold! you additionally combined the Cville trademark to filigree perfectly with the existent hat. you consider this settlement can hold up good over time. And of march all of the jerseys underline the Cubs series stylewhy not go all the way?

Road Jersey: Super clean. Basic varsity rise as good as loyal arching. Enough said.

Alt Black: This jersey introduces the brand brand brand brand new alt CHS trademark as well. Ive privately regularly prefered the duke trademark over the angry cat trademark when dealing with cat themed teams. This is customarily the movement of the duke with stylized interlocking CHS letters. This trademark can additionally be used as the sleeve vegetable vegetable patch upon the home or road.

Let me know your thoughts.

-Joe Hilseberg


Thomas Hupp: submission

Hope it will help.


Thomas Huppe


Pat! rick Kar raker: submission


Here is my entrance for the Design the Uniform contest. you written dual brand brand brand brand new logos for Clarksville the singular which is the re-colored chronicle of the Clemson duke logo, as good as the brand brand brand brand brand new CHS logo. For the uniforms, you combined an roughly Oregon-esque set featuring 5 jerseys as good as 3 caps, although you have preset uniforms so there is nothing of which funny mix-n-match stuff. The initial one, the initial home uniform, is the sleveless model featuring which CHS wordmark which the Clarksville coaches love. you paired this the singular with the black CHS cap. you consider if any group is you do the redesign, they should have the pinstripe option, so which is my initial home alternate, as good as you paired which the singular with the purple duke cap. The second home alternate, my personal favorite, is the black jersey, paired with the black duke cap, special for this jersey. For my highway jerseys, my initial set is the gray jersey desirous by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays highway set pre-exorcism, which you regularly suspicion was the singular of the some-more underrated uniforms in baseball. This jersey is paired with the purple duke cap. Finally, my highway swap is the sleveless purple jersey which has an LSU feeling to it. This the singular is paired with the CHS trademark cap. Good luck to the Wildcats this season, goal to see them winning with this look.

Patrick Karraker


Eeth Koth: submission

Ive trustworthy my submission.
I customarily did the singular diagnosis being Im the improved meditative these things up than executing.

As youll see with my MS Paint nightmare.


Matthew Lanzoff: submission

Hey Phil,

First off let me contend you adore celebration of the mass your work. Each of the writers pierce the good voice to blog as good as as an everyday reader it good to have things shift up. Well with out any serve ado, heres what you put together ! for the Clarksville squad.

As the kid of the 80s, conference the name Wildcats my thoughts immediately go to the Thundercats. So thats where you proposed with my design. While you hatred it upon my Mets, Ive never unequivocally minded it upon the small ball teams you consider it looks good upon the margin so you took the coachs cues as good as put together the black home uniform. The white arm bands, which competence be impossible to get from the unvaried supplier, have been desirous by Tygras random yellow decoration upon his sleeve. The chest settlement is of march desirous by the Thundercats trademark itself.

On the road, you suspicion the Clarksville patrol would demeanour most appropriate in the some-more normal grey. This time you get the initials woodmark opposite the chest, complete with animation cat desirous font, as good as the sleeve bands have the return. For the teams heads you longed for to go with something understated yet consistent with the rest of the look, so you whipped up this.

I favourite the thought of the propagandize carrying the running theme by all their teams looks; so as the special bonus, you put the cat trademark upon the football helmet. you consider the flattering appropriate.


Matt Lanzoff


Steve Lastname: submission

Hi Phil,

Attached have been dual files. One is the home as good as divided jersey (and pants), the alternative is dual probable alternates. Let me contend which you dont similar to the trademark upon the black alt, yet you figured Id try it. you competence similar to it some-more if you had some-more time to settlement the letters to demeanour similar to the ones upon the Cubs uniform. But afterwards again, the Cubs trademark rendered in yellow as good as purple upon the black jersey customarily doesnt demeanour right, no have the difference how good the letters look.



Ryan Muraro: submission

Hey Phil,

My name is Ryan Muraro, as good as you am an de! termined settlement who customarily graduated this May with an Industrial Design degree from the University of Wisconsin Stout. Recently you review your entrance about the Clarksville High School Wildcat ball teams enterprise for the rebranding effort, as good as you would similar to to entrance my designs for care of fulfilling this request. The entrance consists of 3 logos as good as 3 uniforms, descriptions as follows;

- The logos were built for temperament consistency, as all of the logos have been built around the top logo, which will sojourn as was requested. Currently the Clarksville H.S. teams have have have use of of of multiform logos from various sources, so the goal was to emanate the trademark set which could be used opposite the jaunty dialect if desired. The Chicago Cubs C is undiluted for building apon; being so exquisite creates the undiluted base. The First dual logos have been the Wildcat logos, the singular with full physique as good as the singular with the cropped body. you took inspiration from the University of Kentucky trademark primarily, yet was certain to keep the logos demeanour original. These have been elementary two-color logos, if there would be the enterprise to emanate some-more detailed-looking Wildcats, there is the option for that. The full chronicle is the initial symbol for print materials, suggestion gear, etc; the delegate symbol is streamlined with the exclusion of the Wildcats legs for have have have use of of of upon group unvaried elements (jerseys, caps; if it were to be used for alternative jaunty teams, it would work for an excellent football steel sheet logo). The third trademark is the CHS lettermark logo, again built off of the Cub C shawl logo. Not most description indispensable for this logo, the meant to be the strong, clean, simple, versatile logo.

- The uniforms have been flattering self-explanatory. The swap is unequivocally Purple, yet you contingency be funny for not being fearful of the color. Purple, though, creates for the terrible comple! ment to black, so there is no have have have use of of of of black via this unvaried set. If black were to be uses, you would indicate possibly altering the shade of purple used with which unvaried set, or customarily avoiding the have have have use of of of of purple all-together. The home unvaried is super clean, the aways have an strange book mark, the numbers have been standard jersey retard style, whilst the rise is the standard sans-serif type (Abadi in this application, yet is meant to be altered depended upon what the manufacturer has available).

That might be the bit wordy, yet you want to have certain there is the good simple understanding of my mindset whilst undergoing this settlement process. you goal that, even if this isnt the settlement chosen, which my effort as good as ability have been evident in the final product. Best of luck in the future, as good as interjection for this opportunity.

Ryan Muraro


Joseph Obermaier: submission

Hi Phil,

Here is my entrance in the settlement the unvaried contest. It was enormous fun. you longed for out upon the Sartell Sabres callwould have loved to try my hand during which the singular Love the site! (I, too, once suspicion you was alone as the uni watcher.)

Here have been the 4 pieces (putting upon my most appropriate Michael Kay voice from when he was customarily upon the radio):

1. Wildcat mascot logos, appropriately mean as good as desirous (maybe as good much) by Halloween.

2. A home uni, proud whites with purple sleeves, trim as good as bullion accents. Home mascot vegetable vegetable patch above the heart. Wildcats opposite the chest, purple embellished in gold; relating colors for the oversized series upon back. NOB in untrimmed purple. Purple stirrups with bullion stripes embellished in white (must be ragged high!). Also with the CHS top which is suggestive of the good Habs (Canadiens) logo. The rise is Copperplate Gothic.

3. An divided uni, heavily gray, with copiousness of black, as go! od as pu rple as good as bullion accents. Away mascot vegetable vegetable patch above the heart. Centerville opposite the chest, bullion embellished in purple. Also with the CHS top as good as oversized series upon back; same fonts as the home uni, yet with the colors inverted. NOB in untrimmed purple. Black stirrups with purple stripes embellished in white.

4. An swap jersey, no sleeves, with black as good as purple claw outlines upon upper right, as good as longer claw outlines upon corresponding shoulder upon the back. Wildcats opposite the chest in the scratchy rise called Viner Hand, purple embellished in black. Number subsequent left, same tone scheme. Oversized series upon behind in same colors. NNOB (would mess with my claw marks). Same stirrups as the divided uni; purple pants (I know, yet because not for an swap uni?). The top is purple, with black brim, vast gray panel in front containing the home mascot.

Anyway, there they are. you would adore to hear any feedback the alternative uni watchers have upon the designs. And find me the small some-more contests similar to this one!




Well, thats starting to do it for the second turn of the Design-A-Uniform contest entries. There have been most some-more awesome ones similar to the ones you see currently still to come. Make certain you praise as good as comment upon todays entrants. Their work is awesome (and hopefully, it wont devalue the profession).


benchies headerGot the brand brand brand brand brand new Benchies for you today, as good as the in color, most similar to the UCLA/USC uniforms final evening. Heres Ricko to give you the rundown:

Ah, the Holidays, which time of year when TV introduces the world of Mick as good as Mike to all the brand brand brand brand new high tech gadgetry out there. Imagine the fad in BenchiesLand.

Enjoy your Su! nday Ben chies.


nfl uni tweaksOur subsequent collection of NFL uni tweaks underline some-more interesting concepts from the readership. Despite the singular or dual posters not enjoying the reader designs, the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive, as good as you have multiform some-more tweaks still to come. If youre meddlesome in this, greatfully dump me the line as good as put in the theme line: Uni Tweaks (your team[s]).

First up is Patrick Woody who pierce us this:

Hey Phil,

I know youre getting bombarded with these things, yet Ive had the couple of NFL redesign concepts entertainment dust for the whilst in the solitude of my tough drive.

First up is the singular for the Titans. Basically you matched the steel sheet stripes up with the pants, private all the Jetsons elements, as good as tweaked the trademark to demeanour some-more normal as good as reduction cartoonish. The 3 stars upon the sleeves substantially doesnt work, yet you longed for to slap something upon there as good as didnt want to replicate the steel sheet logo.

Second is the Ravens, who to me have been the Minnesota Timberwolves of the NFL. Like the Titans, here you longed for to remove the gimmicky animation elements (sorry, you cant mount the superhero/cartoon trend) as good as have them demeanour some-more similar to an established as good as storied franchise as good as reduction similar to the group personification in the Arena Bowl. Still, you longed for to keep the purple as good as black, even yet Im not the air blower of which combo. On the jersey, you went with single-color retard numbers because there is never the time when which doesnt demeanour good. The grained mustard pants would never fly, yet you longed for to see how they looked. you left the animation bird conduct trademark (limited by MS Paint not most you can do with logos), yet private t! he super fluous B.

And final is the Falcons. Ok, this is flattering most customarily their recent throwback uniform, yet you unequivocally consider the such the damn-near undiluted demeanour which you cant do most to urge upon it. you used the chronicle of the red steel sheet yet the bullion stripes, although you do consider the bullion stripes would work. you additionally threw in the gray pants as the curtsy to the Bartkowski epoch unis, yet with the throwback striping pattern. Of course, which flattering most done them the Giants pants with somewhat opposite colors. Oh well.


Next up is Greg Skaljac, who has the small thoughts upon the Browns:

Love your site as good as the articles upon becoming opposite the small awful NFL unis lifelong Browns fan, yet cant mount the stream unis need the small complicated updates.

See trustworthy brown jersey, wht jersey as good as swap orange looksI additionally put in the brand brand brand brand new steel sheet utilizing the classic brownie elf with their strange white helmets


Next up is Matt English, the Bills air blower with an thought for the brand brand brand brand new helmet:

As the Bills fans, you suspicion theyve been long overdue for the uni tweak. For starters, receiving out the army as good as starting with the loyal white/red/royal blue design. Heres what you whipped up for the steel sheet redesign. It was originally essentially red, yet you decided during the final minute in Photoshop to have it essentially silver/white. you brought behind the old standing Buffalo logo. The stripes by the trademark give the arrange of Montreal Canadiens vibe, overall you consider it has the retro cultured yet being as good plain.


Moving along, you have Mike Boriotti, who dislikes the stream Panthers uniform, as good as has this to say:

So, you privately hatred the Carolina Panthers look. you consider the shoulder stripes have been approach to busy, the pants have been ugly, as good as they utterly i! njustice their quasi-Carolina Blue color; demeanour during the UNC football group as good as youll see the scold approach to utilize Carolina Blue. What you did was utterly shift the Panthers to most some-more normal looking jerseys, pants, as good as socks. Other changes enclosed getting absolved of silver as the singular of there colors all together, regulating the brand brand brand brand new logo, as good as becoming opposite the blue to the most darker shade. The brand brand brand brand new trademark is essentially formed upon the 1947-1955 Pittsburgh Panthers logo, which you similar to improved because it shows the entire Panther, as good as the Panther additionally looks similar to it is stalking the prey- unequivocally assertive as good as masculine. One non-traditional thing you did was following the Jacksonville Jaguars in pairing black helmets with black pants, which for my money, is unequivocally cold looking when executed correctly. Also, the seams arent meant to be seen similar to upon the Buffalo Bills, they customarily demeanour which way. Big interjection as good as keep kickin fuckin ass UniWatch.


Last up for currently is John Loukadakis, who points out which what follows have been not essentially his designs, yet they have been the small brand brand brand brand new tweaks for the Redskins:

First let me contend this is NOT my design, you review the Warpath as you am the HUGE Deadskins fan, an additional air blower written this, you customarily longed for to pierce to your attention.


ducks unis UW #1 Seahawks Fan Michael Princip has been tracking the Oregon Ducks as good as all of their 2,456 probable unvaried combinations this season. Hell be updating it after any game.

The Ducks were resting yesterday, yet theyve got the HUGE diversion coming up this Thursday (December 3, 2009) in Autzen, when they meet their cross-stat! e opposi tion OSU Beavers in the 113th edition of the Civil War. Always the big game, this the singular is for the Rose Bowl birth! And, knowing the dual combatants, you never know what kind of funny uniforms they might mangle out customarily for this game. Will the Ducks eventually mangle out the carbon helmets? Will the Beavers opposite with their own chronicle of pro-combat riflery uniforms which Paul initial tipped us off to in his NCAA deteriorate preview behind in the initial week of September? Gonna be the loyal run for the roses Thursday next.

Heres Your Updated Ducktracker


scoreboardGuess The Game From The Scoreboard: OK, the small bit of twist to todays entry, which comes courtesy of reader Andrew Leavitt. you know from what competition this comes, yet you folks might need to put upon your meditative caps. Pretty good puzzler today, yet not for you die hards. Please, if possible, LINK to the answer in the comments. Ready? Guess The Game From The Scoreboard. Date, location, teams as good as final score, please. And, as always, if you suffer the game, greatfully send me the small brand brand brand brand new scoreboards! Drop me the line. Thanks!


detroit football inlineIn case you longed for the comments late yesterday, reader Tod Hess (aka aflfan) graced the play with the illusory write up of the small High School football they play in Detroit. Ill let him report it, along with the summation of the games. Heres Tod:

Every year in Michigan equates to the singular thing, Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) State Football Championship. They proposed in 1975 with 4 groups as good as have right divided stretched to eight divisions. The finals have been right divided played during Ford Fiel! d upon t he Friday as good as Saturday after Thanksgiving as good as had prior been played during the Pontiac Silverdome as good as before which Western Michigan University. Below have been the photos from this years Championships. It is my the a single preferred weekend of the year as you have have have use of of of to do stats for the finals for multiform years. You see roughly any kind of offense you can imagine for widespread to you formation to wishbone to curve to singular wing as good as if Menominee creates it down to Ford Field you get to see the singular wing. You additionally see lots of opposite unvaried styles.

Thanks Tod. And now, heres the rundown of the games:

The Michigan High School Athletic Association hold their boys football finals during Ford Field yesterday as good as today. Here have been the small pictures of the unvaried match ups

Division 1: Detroit Catholic Central (blue) vs. Sterling Heights Stevenson (white)

Division 2: Lowell (red) vs. Inkster (white)

Division 3: East Grand Rapids (Blue) vs. Orchard Lake St. Marys (white)

Division 4: Marshall (white) vs. Three Rivers (Purple)

Division 5: Jackson Lumen Christi (white) vs. Clare (green)

Division 6: Montague (blue) vs. Monore St. Marys Catholic Central (white)

Division 7: Traverse City St. Francis (Blue) vs. Hudson (white) Hudson is approach to bustling to me.

Division 8: Beal City (white) vs. Crystal Falls Forest Park (black with striped socks)

* Those have been photo galleries where you can demeanour by the garland of pictures. Great stuff, Tod, as good as thanks!


5 & 1a Our man in the street, Jim Vilk, brings you his Top 5 Best as good as the singular WORST college football uni matchup from Saturdays games:

Honorable Mention to the most appropriate looking university diversion in Canada yesterday, the Vanier Cu! p in bet ween U. of Calgary/Queens U. Okay, so it was the customarily diversion in Canada yesterday

5. Washington State/Washington A flattering sweet-looking Apple Cup

4. ND/Stanford And the singular dandy of the ballgame, too.

3. Tennessee/Kentucky Best of the delayed week for the SEC.

2. Tulane/SMU A serious contender for #1if not for

1. UCLA/USC Wow! All thats missing is Keith Jackson as good as Frank Broyles.

And the Worst Uni Matchup: Arizona/Arizona State Wildcats won the game, yet mislaid for the 2nd week in the quarrel here.


riflery inlineAnd Finallythe Riflery Unis: Ive been flattering tough upon Nike these past couple of weeks for their diagnosis of propagandize tradition with their superhero brand brand brand brand new Pro Combat uniforms which will presumably turn the wearers into mythical warriors. you bashed the manufacturer for their hype, yet never unequivocally commented upon the uniforms themselves. Well, you dragged the man upon the street, the man who never met the unvaried he didnt like, to support with his unbiased perspective of the unis foisted upon us this past week. Yep, Jim Vilk will traffic barbs with me upon the riflery unis. Heres Jim:

This weekend you saw an additional turn of Nike Pro Combat unis. Their purpose, of course, is to have my pursuit harder when picking the Top 5 matchups. Okay, actually, their role is to give the players the lighter, state-of-the-art as good as some-more select (?) uni consistent the past as good as the future. This time, there were seven teams involved, which you will see below.

Clemson: Exhibit A as good as Exhibit B.
JV: Fine from the front. Whats which upon the backside, chaps?
PH: Agreed. you essentially favourite Clemson in this. But WTF is with Nike as good as these pants. Its like, they imagined the a pants as the design suppo! rt which indispensable the limit or something. With the focus upon the buttocks. There is the settlement here.

Florida: Exhibit A as good as Exhibit B.
JV: Again with the chaps. Otherwise, you unequivocally favourite this one.
PH: This the singular is bad. Mono-blue, as good as the design support pants the signature settlement for swoosh.

LSU: Exhibit A as good as Exhibit B.
JV: Not bad. you can hoop the wraparound leg stripes. Id rsther than have yellow, too.
PH: Gold (intersting shade) helmet? Good; Jersey? Good; pants stripes which neither begin nor finish anywhere? Not good. Liked the sleeve stripes tho.

Miami, Fla.: Exhibit A as good as Exhibit B.
JV: An alleviation upon the regular uni! Two-color numbers have been kind of cool. Stripes as good distant upon the backside, yet during slightest theyre not chaps.
PH: Gotta agree here, as well. Definitely improved than anything theyve trotted out there in the past decade. you dont thoughts the dual tone numbers, as good as they kept the pants comparatively clean. Good pursuit with this one.

Missouri: Exhibit A as good as Exhibit B
JV: From the distance, as good as in the right light, thats roughly the Seahawks divided uni. Glad to see they managed to find the small room for the small gold
PH: If you am judging this only as the uniform, you essentially similar to ita lot. But, could they have taken divided any some-more of Mizzous temperament in the process? At slightest the bottom of the cleats as good as the shoulders had the small gold. And which steel sheet was flattering cool.

Texas: Exhibit A as good as Exhibit B
JV: A lateral pierce from the classic uni. Very good done.
PH: Outstanding job. Only dual complaints: substantially could have used the normal (if thats possible) ribbon upon the pants, and, even yet they were essentially loyal as they could be to the original, you wish the steel sheet trademark as good as numbers were possibly opposite sizes or which the numbers woul! d have b een black. Just would have done it easier upon the eyes. But the good job, swoosh.

VA Tech: Exhibit A as good as Exhibit B.
JV: Another alleviation upon the regulars, yet thats not observant much. Dont thoughts the vanishing numbers as good as stripes.
PH: Another not-so-bad one, yet they busted it with the signature pants swoosh or whatever you wanna call it. But if which was their customarily digression, afterwards you say, not as good bad. Better than their stream uni, yet they should have their throwbacks their full time gig.

Final thoughts:

JV: In short, if you take divided all the hype which surrounded these, you finish up with what uni makers customarily have the small hits as good as the small misses.

PH: While you all disagree with the entire exercise (did any of these teams unequivocally need brand brand brand brand new uniforms to begin with???), as good as consider the some-more hype written to pierce some-more merch, as uniforms, this collection wasnt as good bad. There, you pronounced it.


OK, whewanother reduced one. But hey, there was the lot to cover this morning. The pros take over the gridiron today, as good as dont forget, tonight during 6:30 EST, the Grey Cup (thats like, the Super Bowl for Canada) is receiving place in Calgary. My friend Mike Styczen reports which the entire city is sold out of watermelons. Why, you ask? Because Roughrider fans cut them, tummy them, as good as wear them upon their heads, similar to helmets. you shit you not. you guess thats Canadas answer to the cheesehead. Anyway, if you get it upon your television, the a good diversion (and hopefully, both the Als as good as the Riders will be wearing their sweet throwbacks) as good as really value watching.

Uni Watch Winter Classic Update: If you longed for final weekends announcement of the UWWC, click here as good as scroll down to the second item, where Ricko describes the whole thing. Both Paul as good as you will be attending, as good as betwee! n all th e alternative activities described, Paul skeleton upon holding the Uni Watch Gathering during the singular of the internal watering holes. Full details to be announced during the after date, yet you goal to see as most of you as probable (so far, besides Ricko as good as Teebz, you hold rpm, Ben Traxel, jth as good as during slightest 20 others have been formulation to attend). Could be the greatest Uni Watch Gathering to date! Mark your calendars for Jan 22, twenty-three & 24, 2010.

Have the illusory Sunday everyone.

This calm has passed by


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