Sunday, December 6, 2009


3008667031 f6c8cf6f9b o Hypocrite?We have reached a finish of a Winter Bible Study for 2009. We have lonesome a middle section of a Sermon on a Mount, Jesus initial public training of his disciples. We have schooled many things yet this weeks doctrine hits us right during home, dont be something we have been not. Greetings in a name of a Lord as well as Savior, Jesus Christ.

We have listened this word as well as even used this word yet have we really explored a meaning? Hypocrite- 1) a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or sacrament 2) a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.

We all have pronounced or finished things which dont reflect how we indeed feel. We all feel we have fit reasons to action which way. The actuality is we should be honest as well as truthful. Our actions should determine with a words. People should be means to design which we, as Christians, will give them a right guidance.

Racing doesnt dilemma a market on dubious statements as well as actions. You see it every year around silly season. That is why it has which name, people saying as well as we do things which usually dont add up. We really dont know what is starting on until a dust settles as well as a decisions as well as contracts have been signed. That is all partial of a game.

Well it shouldnt be when it comes to God. People shouldnt consternation if what they have been saying as well as conference is a real thing. They should be means to trust which someone who claims to know God as well as paint Him is we do usually that.

I cringe when we see a little of a stuff on radio which is upheld off as sacrament or Christianity. There have been people which have no seductiveness in representing God, usually lining t! heir poc kets with cash from people who have devoted them. It happens opposite all walks of life, a con group who extract peoples hard warranted money with a slick sounding story. When it happens as well as God is a reason used it irks me to a core of my being. It is challenging sufficient to assistance people by life as well as show them what God has for them though these hypocrites muddying up a water.

I have to contend yet this is not a complaint which developed with a radio age. Jesus had a same issue with a same type of people. He used conditions like brood of vipers as well as den of thieves. He overturned a tables in a church which had made a hoax of a Temple. It was a a single thing which Scripture reveals made him indeed angry.

How do we feel when someone takes value of you? How do we feel when we cannot trust someone? We all have been on a reception finish of deceit. Some of us have been on a giving end. Our final doctrine teaches us which we have to respect God as well as be loyal to Him, not a own wants as well as desires. Read along.

Matthew 6:1-3; Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them. If we do, we will have no prerogative from your Father in heaven.

So when we give to a needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as a hypocrites do in a synagogues as well as on a streets, to be honored by men. we discuss it we a truth, they have received their prerogative in full. But when we give to a needy, do not let your left palm know what your right palm is doing, so which your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is finished in secret, will prerogative you.

Jesus helps us assimilate an critical principle, God Knows! We consider we can censor things from God as well as we will be alright. Not starting to happen, God knows. We consider we can yet a actuality is which nothing is hidden from God. We need to learn which since in any a single of a lives there have! been th ings we would rsther than God didnt know. They have been called sin, missing a mark. Let me assistance you, go to God right right away as well as ask for forgiveness. Let God mislay a weight of your impiety as well as revive your usefulness to him. Then have every bid to live in a approach which will respect God.

We find it comforting as well as enlivening conference others discuss it us haw good we are. We like it when people commend what we have pronounced as well as done. We need a sure bit of that, yet we cannot let it spin a proclivity for what we do. Too many times we discuss it people what they wish to hear or during least what we consider they wish to hear, instead of a law since we wish a certain as well as affirming reaction. The base of this training again resides in a heart, what motivates us?

Jesus pronounced dont be encouraged by what male says or how they respond. If we have been we will receive your prerogative from them. Instead be encouraged to greatfully God as well as then your prerogative will come from heaven.

Let me ask you, who can give larger gifts, male or God? we consider we all would determine which a author of a universe, a a single who knitted we together in your mothers womb. The a single who set a stars in place, a a single who has a hairs on your head counted, has larger gifts to give. Then why do we settle for second best? Instant gratification; we wish it now. Trust me in this; Gods timing is not a timing.

We need to recollect who we serve. We need to recollect who paid a cost for a salvation. We need to recollect whose blood bought us out of Satans hand. We need to remember

John 3:16-17; For God so desired a universe which he gave his a single as well as usually Son, which whoever believes in him shall not perish yet have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into a universe to condemn a world, yet to save a universe by him.

Thank we for vouchsafing ! me outla y a little time with we exploring this passage of Scripture. Believe me when we contend we have usually scratched a surface. We need to outlay many some-more time in Gods Word as well as with any alternative learning some-more as well as more. we inspire we to find a place where we can do that. Find a Bible Study group, a church, someplace where we can sit with alternative Christians as well as get to know God better.

We have lonesome many topics over a final couple of weeks as well as we am sure there have been a little questions. If we have questions let me know as well as we will address them. If they would benefit everyone Ill share them here, though names, if we prefer. That approach we can learn from any other.

Next week we will look during a many amazing week end in a history of a World; Easter. What does it meant as well as how can we reply to what Christ has finished for us?


WET WATERFORD- First eventuality initial postponement, Waterfords Bid Nationals day dual falls plant to a weather. Keith Rocco set a fast time on Saturday yet will have to wait for to get things going. The reschedule date has not been set. Lets hope it isnt on Easter Weekend. The qualifying was close, here have been a tip five.

SK Modified Time Trial Results during Waterford
1. Keith Rocco, Wallingford, 14.138 seconds
2. Frank Ruocco, Cheshire, 14.195
3. Diego Monahan, Quaker Hill, 14.225
4. Jeffrey Paul, Ledyard, 14.227
5. Ron Yuhas Jr., Groton, 14.284

WALL STADIUM IS BACK- we for a single had a many worry with a name shift from a ancestral Wall Stadium to Wall Township Speedway. Well we wont have which worry anymore, The Stadium name has been returned to a tip of a pointer by Jim Morton. Thank we Jim! we am seeking forward to a racing as it returns along with a name during Wall Stadium!

ICEBREAKER IS HERE- After a l! ong, col d, snowy winter a ground pounders return to a famed 5/8 mile high banked oval. The Whelen Modified Tour will flog off their deteriorate this Sunday during Thompson Speedway. It will be good to get behind with folks, do a little throwing up, see who is where as well as spin a little laps. We will have a Palm Sunday Service without delay following a Drivers assembly on Sunday sunrise during a NASCAR Tech Trailer. Rev. Dan as well as we will be assimilated by Rev. Ricks son Phillip. We have been starting to miss having Rick with us, yet we have been thrilled to have Phillip there.

With a brand brand new deteriorate comes a pursuit of another championship. Last years champion, TC, had a good winter with wins during Atlantic City, Providence as well as New Smyrna. He is a fortifying hold up as well as according to a media stick is a a a single preferred for 2009. After so many years though a single could we see behind to behind championships? we wouldnt look past a proven group of Bob Garbarino as well as Donny Lia. There have been others lurking, Ronnie Silk, Ryan Preece as well as if he can get a deal put together, Matt Hirschman. Dont equate out Mike Stefanik either, we know a Flamingo group has finished a little updating as well as strike a lane with a little brand brand new equipment. Word on a travel is which Jamie Tomaino eventually has a good deal with a brand brand new owners as well as horsepower to spare.

Fact is we will be means to discuss it a pretenders from a contenders starting subsequent weekend. We have been seeking forward to saying we there.

PRAYER REQUESTS We need to keep a Camping World West family as well as a family of Doug Beeler in a prayers. Doug went home to be with a Lord while during a NASCAR Camping World West competition during Kyle, Texas. Doug, an official in a NASCAR Camping World Series West, had a heart attack. He was 71. Doug, of Marysville, Calif., served as an inspector as well as lorry motorist for a series.

< p>Doug was a very dedicated NASCAR official who will be sadly missed, pronounced NASCAR Vice President of Corporate Communications Jim Hunter. Our thoughts as well as prayers have been with his family.

Be a witness for a Lord with a ministry decals as well as apparel. See them during a Online Apparel Store during Call us with your ask as well as counseling needs as well as list all your ask needs, no have a difference what partial of a racing family we have been in, with a Racing Family Prayer Request Page additionally send your ask request by mail. Until subsequent time, recollect which God loves you, we love we and

Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.

Mail reaches us during Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586, Tolland, CT 06084. Check a weekly printed pages in Area Auto Racing News, a East Coasts largest weekly racing paper See a on-line Apparel Store for subscription information. Check a home page for past articles. We invite we to input your thoughts as we pointer a Guest Book. Please remember, we can usually do what we do since of your prayerful monetary support.

Numbers 6:24-26 The Lord bless we as well as keep you; a Lord have his face shine on we as well as be friendly to you; a Lord spin his face toward we as well as give we peace.

May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don


Apr 4
DON & MARILYN TOAL- This ROC Rep. as well as her father celebrate 50 years together.

MARK & LINDA GEER- The former Waterford Speedbowl Mod Inspector as well as Speedbowl Office Manager mother have their 39th anniversary.
Apr 7HARR Y & PEGGY SOLT- This NH formed NASCAR CWES GRAND NATIONAL crewman as well as mother share their 36th anniversary.
RED & MARGIE RAYNOR- The former Long Island Freeport Speedway motorist as well as mother from Deer Park, LI have their 40th.

JIMMY PHELPS- This motorist of a 99J New York mud Modified from Baldwinsville, NY celebrates.
JARRETT SENG- Orefield, PA Micro Sprint driver. Recognize a car by Bible verse Hebrews 12: 1-2 on it.
SCOTT HOUSTON- NNS Crew Chief from Hickory, NC; a son of late NNS good Tommy.
FRANKLIN HIETALA- Dad of Enfield, CT Modified motorist Brad.
MARTY NOLL- Scranton, PA NASCAR CWES driver.
GEORGE MAYLOTT, JR.- Jim Spencer fan.
Apr 2
JOHN SWANSON- Concord, MA NASCAR CWES driver/Crew Chief.
DAN PARDUS- Daytona Beach, FL NASCAR driver.
ED WATSON- Mt. Vernon, WA NASCAR West driver.
JOHN R. JANISITIS- The son of a late Waterford as well as Seekonk Public Relation Director in a 70s as well as 80s, John Janisitis as well as mother Ruth.
Apr 3
JOE BUSCH- Norwich, CT Tri-State 4 cyl. Kart driver.
MIKE HURLBERT- Lynden, WA NASCAR West driver.
MIKE KOST- New Jersey innate as well as lifted Sprint Cup group member.
LISA RAINONE- Wife of NASCAR CWES motorist Anthony.
TIARA BUSCH- Kart motorist Joe as well as mother Frans daughter is 18.
SHANE CONNOLLY- Son of Endicott, NY NASCAR WMT motorist Tim.
Apr 4
TOM PECK- McConnelsburg, PA CWS as well as Dirt Big Block LM driver.
BOB BAKER- Sharon, VT ProStock driver.
HEATH TOMAR- Son of Greensboro, NC lane GM Larry.
CINDY SAVLUK- Wife of Lisbon, CTs Roger during Savluk Service Center.
DONNA HANKS- Wife of Somers, CT LM motorist Scott.
ED PERRY III- Seekonk Speedway Prostock driver.
Apr 5
SIERRA JESANIS- niece of RWJM President Rev. Don will be 13.
KATIE STANDLEY- renter of Lady Eagleware as well as a mother as well as series a single partn! er of Ja mes, renter of a important Design 500 in Seattle, WA, as well as builder of a RWJM Chaplain Uniforms as well as Driver Uniforms in partnership with ASI Racewear, additionally a Ministry Northwest Coordinators as well as house members, has her special day. Praise a Lord!
MIKE BLISS- Milwaukee, OR USAC Midget as well as NASCAR NSC/NNS/Truck driver.
DAVE ASHLEY- Riverside, CA LM driver.
MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER, JR.- The son of Plainville, CT Modified motorist Mike as well as mother Jennifer is 9.
ROSE FRYE- The mother of Ferrell,NJ Team owners Warren Jeep as well as grandmother of Glenn, JR.
DAVE PETFIELD- Brother of Dan as well as treasurer of Racing with Jesus Ministries.
Apr 6
AFFONSO GIAFFONE- Sao Paulo, Brazil IRL driver.
KEVIN REX- Pennsy pavement Modified driver.
WAYNE PATTERSON- Richmond, VA LMSC driver.
KEN BOUCHARD- Fitchburg, MA NASCAR CWES/WMT driver, as well as renter of a Thompson Speedway formed Modified driving school.
FRED ROSNER- Agawam, MA ProStock/NASCAR CWES fabricator.
DAVE ST. JOHN- The troops career son of Henry St. John, renter of Jewett City Service.
JORDYN ROSE BENNETT- The daughter of Stamford, CT innate CWES/CTS motorist Brad as well as mother Diane is 8.
Apr 7
LOY ALLEN, JR- former NSC driver.
VINNIE GREEN- Wall Township Speedway late Modified driver.
WENDELL LEE MINTER- Ridgeway, VA host of a Uncle Wendells Gospel Music Show aired daily on Martinsvilles WODY.
LISA ERM- New Jersey formed NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour Head Scorer.
JOHN SZERENCITS- Whitehall, PA dad of AARN subscription salesman Don.
JOSEPH ROBERT COX- Rev. Pats third-cousin son of Bob as well as Tracy Cox in Boyertown, PA is 12.


Sources: Rev. Don Rivers/RWJM

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