Tuesday, December 8, 2009

3.3.0 PTR Patch Notes | PTR | WoW Blue Tracker | World of Raids

HTML: World of Warcraft PTR Patch 3.3.0

The ultimate exam area vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch records can regularly be found during http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/underdev/testrealm.html

The ultimate vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch records can regularly be found during http://www.wow-europe.com/en/patchnotes/index.html


  • Icecrown Citadel

    • The Pit of Saron in the 5-player cave is right away accessible for testing.
    • Additional Icecrown Citadel cave as well as raid calm will be finished accessible in destiny exam builds.

  • Dazed: Creatures aggressive the player from during the back of can no longer means players turn 1-5 to be dazed, as well as have the marked down possibility to means players turn 6-10 to be dazed.
  • Copied Test Realm characters will no longer be copied with their feat story in sequence to improved promote the impression duplicate process.

Classes: General

  • Default Equipment: Starting weapons have been right away some-more uniform. Rogues right away begin with the span of daggers equipped. All alternative classes solely shamans begin with the 2-handed arms versed as well as the compulsory capability already known. Shamans begin with the 1-handed arms as well as the shield, as they good some-more from the defense than they would from the 2-handed weapon.
  • Glancing Blows: The mage, warlock, as well as clergyman classes no longer have an increasing possibility for their mélange attacks to be glancing blows; as well as the repairs chastisement due to their glancing blows is the same as for alternative classes.
  • Health as well as Mana Regeneration: These metamorphosis rates have been increasing by up to 200% for low turn characters. As the players turn ! increase s, the metamorphosis rates progressively reduce, returning to normal rates during turn 15.
  • Spell Mana Costs: These costs have been marked down for roughly all revoke turn spell ranks. In general, if the spell decreased in price with the aloft turn arrange in vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch 3.2.0, that spell right away has the decreased price during all ranks. In addition, spells schooled prior to turn twenty with marked down expel times and/or durations have even serve marked down mana costs, proportional to their rebate in expel time or damage.

Races: General

  • Racial Attribute Bonuses: These bonuses have been recalibrated to even out the volume of starting illness upon the assorted races. All races begin with the standardised turn of stamina, solely for orcs, dwarves, as well as tauren who right away begin with 1 one some-more indicate of stamina. For any class, bonuses as well as penalties to all attributes have been practiced so that any competition has an subsequent to charge total.

Death Knights

  • Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle: There is right away the 1-handed version of this rune in serve to the stream 2-handed rune.
  • Talents

    • Unholy

      • Night of the Dead: Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house house house house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 45/90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.


  • Pets

    • Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.


  • Misdirection: Redesigned. Instead of carrying calculable charges, it right away starts the 4-second timer when the hunter regulating Misdirection performs the threat-generating attack, ! during t hat all hazard generated by the hunter goes to the accessible target. In addition, mixed hunters can right away mislead hazard to the same accessible aim simultaneously.
  • Talents

    • Beast Mastery

      • Intimidation: If the hunters house house house house house house house house house house pet is in mélange operation of the target, the jolt from Intimidation will right away be practical rught away instead of upon the pets subsequent pitch or attack.

  • Pets

    • Avoidance: Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house house house house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 30/60/90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.


  • Talents

    • Arcane

      • Arcane Empowerment: This bent right away additionally grants 1/2/3% increasing repairs finished by the mages celebration or raid for 10 seconds after the mage gets the vicious set upon with Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage, or Arcane Blast. This outcome is disdainful with Ferocious Inspiration as well as Sanctified Retribution.

  • Pets

    • Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.


  • Pet

    • Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house house house house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.


  • Dual Wield: Rogues right away know this capability upon logging in to the diversion during turn 1.
  • Stealth: This capability no longer has mixed ranks. While active, the singular arrange of this capability (available during turn 1) allow! s rogues to pierce during 70% transformation speed.
  • Vanish: For the initial second after this capability is used, conjunction Vanish nor Stealth can be damaged by receiving repairs or being the plant of the antagonistic spell or ability.


  • Pets

    • Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.
    • Summon Imp: This capability is right away accessible from the tutor for turn 1 warlocks as well as no longer requires the query to learn.


  • Victory Rush: This capability is right away trainable during turn 6.
  • Talents

    • Protection

      • Damage Shield: This capability will no longer trigger any chance-on-hit goods from the soldier or the competition it damages.

User Interface

  • Quest Tracking Feature

    • This complement is right away underneath growth as well as is not entirely functional.

  • Looking For Group System

    • This underline is undergoing multiform improvements as well as is not accessible for contrast during this time.

  • For one some-more records upon Lua as well as XML changes greatfully revisit the UI & Macros Forum: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?sid=1&forumId=11114


  • A brand new underline has been combined to the D3D graphics engine to urge hardness government (particularly for Windows XP users). This is right away enabled by default upon the open exam realms. For some-more report greatfully revisit the Test Realm forum: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?forumId=11572&sid=1


  • Enchanting

    • Black Magic: This grace right away infrequently increases promptness rating for the caster rsther than t! han infl icting the casters aim with the damage-over-time effect. It is additionally right away triggered by alighting any damaging spell rsther than than inflicting repairs with the spell.


  • Glyphs

    • Death Knights

      • Glyph of Icy Touch: Instead of extenuation one some-more runic power, this glyph right away causes Frost Fever to understanding 20% one some-more damage.

    • Shamans

      • Glyph of Fire Nova Totem: Renamed Glyph of Fire Nova. This glyph right away reduces the cooldown of Fire Nova by 3 seconds.

Bug Fixes

  • Druids

    • Rejuvenation: Rank fifteen of this spell was upon condition that the 15-second duration. It has been rightly marked down to twelve seconds.

  • Mages

    • Flame Strike: Some ranks of this spell had an improper expel time of 3 seconds. All ranks right away share the 2-second expel time.
"Once you jumped off the vessel as well as in to the jungle, you cranked up the volume as well as marched to the own drummer..."

Community Team - English

vBulletin: [quote=Ancilorn in 3.3.0 PTR Patch Notes][b]World of Warcraft PTR Patch 3.3.0[/b] The ultimate exam area vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch records can regularly be found during [url=http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/underdev/testrealm.html]http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/underdev/testrealm.html[/url] The ultimate vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch records can regularly be found during [url=http://www.wow-europe.com/en/patchnotes/index.html]http://www.wow-europe.com/en/patchnotes/index.html[/url] [b]General[/b][list] [*]Icecrown Citadel[list] [*]The Pit of Saron in the 5-player cave is right away accessible for testing. [*]Additional Icecrown Citadel cave as well as raid calm will be fini! shed acc essible in destiny exam builds.[/list] [*]Dazed: Creatures aggressive the player from during the back of can no longer means players turn 1-5 to be dazed, as well as have the marked down possibility to means players turn 6-10 to be dazed. [*]Copied Test Realm characters will no longer be copied with their feat story in sequence to improved promote the impression duplicate process.[/list] [b]Classes: General[/b][list] [*]Default Equipment: Starting weapons have been right away some-more uniform. Rogues right away begin with the span of daggers equipped. All alternative classes solely shamans begin with the 2-handed arms versed as well as the compulsory capability already known. Shamans begin with the 1-handed arms as well as the shield, as they good some-more from the defense than they would from the 2-handed weapon. [*]Glancing Blows: The mage, warlock, as well as clergyman classes no longer have an increasing possibility for their mélange attacks to be glancing blows; as well as the repairs chastisement due to their glancing blows is the same as for alternative classes. [*]Health as well as Mana Regeneration: These metamorphosis rates have been increasing by up to 200% for low turn characters. As the players turn increases, the metamorphosis rates progressively reduce, returning to normal rates during turn 15. [*]Spell Mana Costs: These costs have been marked down for roughly all revoke turn spell ranks. In general, if the spell decreased in price with the aloft turn arrange in vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch 3.2.0, that spell right away has the decreased price during all ranks. In addition, spells schooled prior to turn twenty with marked down expel times and/or durations have even serve marked down mana costs, proportional to their rebate in expel time or damage.[/list] [b]Races: General[/b][list] [*]Racial Attribute Bonuses: These bonuses have been recalibrated to even out the volume of starting illness upon the assorted ! races. A ll races begin with the standardised turn of stamina, solely for orcs, dwarves, as well as tauren who right away begin with 1 one some-more indicate of stamina. For any class, bonuses as well as penalties to all attributes have been practiced so that any competition has an subsequent to charge total.[/list] [b]Death Knights[/b][list] [*]Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle: There is right away the 1-handed version of this rune in serve to the stream 2-handed rune. [*]Talents[list] [*]Unholy[list] [*]Night of the Dead: Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house house house house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 45/90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.[/list][/list][/list] [b]Druids[/b][list] [*]Pets[list] [*]Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.[/list][/list] [b]Hunters[/b][list] [*]Misdirection: Redesigned. Instead of carrying calculable charges, it right away starts the 4-second timer when the hunter regulating Misdirection performs the threat-generating attack, during that all hazard generated by the hunter goes to the accessible target. In addition, mixed hunters can right away mislead hazard to the same accessible aim simultaneously. [*]Talents[list] [*]Beast Mastery[list] [*]Intimidation: If the hunters house house house house house house house house house house pet is in mélange operation of the target, the jolt from Intimidation will right away be practical rught away instead of upon the pets subsequent pitch or attack.[/list][/list] [*]Pets[list] [*]Avoidance: Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house house house house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 30/60/90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.[/list][/list] [b]Mages[/b][list] [*]! Talents[ list] [*]Arcane[list] [*]Arcane Empowerment: This bent right away additionally grants 1/2/3% increasing repairs finished by the mages celebration or raid for 10 seconds after the mage gets the vicious set upon with Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage, or Arcane Blast. This outcome is disdainful with Ferocious Inspiration as well as Sanctified Retribution.[/list][/list] [*]Pets[list] [*]Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.[/list][/list] [b]Priests[/b][list] [*]Pet[list] [*]Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house house house house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.[/list][/list] [b]Rogues[/b][list] [*]Dual Wield: Rogues right away know this capability upon logging in to the diversion during turn 1. [*]Stealth: This capability no longer has mixed ranks. While active, the singular arrange of this capability (available during turn 1) allows rogues to pierce during 70% transformation speed. [*]Vanish: For the initial second after this capability is used, conjunction Vanish nor Stealth can be damaged by receiving repairs or being the plant of the antagonistic spell or ability.[/list] [b]Warlocks[/b][list] [*]Pets[list] [*]Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players. [*]Summon Imp: This capability is right away accessible from the tutor for turn 1 warlocks as well as no longer requires the query to learn.[/list][/list] [b]Warriors[/b][list] [*]Victory Rush: This capability is right away trainable during turn 6. [*]Talents[list] [*]Protection[list] [*]Damage Shield: This capability will no longer trigger any ! chance-o n-hit goods from the soldier or the competition it damages.[/list][/list][/list] [b]User Interface[/b][list] [*]Quest Tracking Feature[list] [*]This complement is right away underneath growth as well as is not entirely functional.[/list] [*]Looking For Group System[list] [*]This underline is undergoing multiform improvements as well as is not accessible for contrast during this time.[/list] [*]For one some-more records upon Lua as well as XML changes greatfully revisit the UI & Macros Forum: [url=http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?sid=1&forumId=11114]http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?sid=1&forumId=11114[/url][/list] [b]Graphics[/b][list] [*]A brand new underline has been combined to the D3D graphics engine to urge hardness government (particularly for Windows XP users). This is right away enabled by default upon the open exam realms. For some-more report greatfully revisit the Test Realm forum: [url=http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?forumId=11572&sid=1]http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?forumId=11572&sid=1[/url][/list] [b]Professions[/b][list] [*]Enchanting[list] [*]Black Magic: This grace right away infrequently increases promptness rating for the caster rsther than than inflicting the casters aim with the damage-over-time effect. It is additionally right away triggered by alighting any damaging spell rsther than than inflicting repairs with the spell.[/list][/list] [b]Items[/b][list] [*]Glyphs[list] [*]Death Knights[list] [*]Glyph of Icy Touch: Instead of extenuation one some-more runic power, this glyph right away causes Frost Fever to understanding 20% one some-more damage.[/list] [*]Shamans[list] [*]Glyph of Fire Nova Totem: Renamed Glyph of Fire Nova. This glyph right away reduces the cooldown of Fire Nova by 3 seconds.[/list][/list][/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b][list] [*]Druids[list] [*]Rejuvenation: Rank fifteen of this spell was upon condition that the 1! 5-second duration. It has been rightly marked down to twelve seconds.[/list] [*]Mages[list] [*]Flame Strike: Some ranks of this spell had an improper expel time of 3 seconds. All ranks right away share the 2-second expel time.[/list][/list] "Once you jumped off the vessel as well as in to the jungle, you cranked up the volume as well as marched to the own drummer..." [b]Community Team - English[/b] ([url=http://www.worldofraids.com/wow-blue-tracker/eu-forums/11030735003-3-3-0-ptr-patch-notes.html#0]Source[/url])[/quote]
phpBB: [quote="Ancilorn in 3.3.0 PTR Patch Notes"][b]World of Warcraft PTR Patch 3.3.0[/b] The ultimate exam area vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch records can regularly be found during [url=http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/underdev/testrealm.html]http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/underdev/testrealm.html[/url] The ultimate vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch records can regularly be found during [url=http://www.wow-europe.com/en/patchnotes/index.html]http://www.wow-europe.com/en/patchnotes/index.html[/url] [b]General[/b][list] [*]Icecrown Citadel[list] [*]The Pit of Saron in the 5-player cave is right away accessible for testing. [*]Additional Icecrown Citadel cave as well as raid calm will be finished accessible in destiny exam builds.[/list] [*]Dazed: Creatures aggressive the player from during the back of can no longer means players turn 1-5 to be dazed, as well as have the marked down possibility to means players turn 6-10 to be dazed. [*]Copied Test Realm characters will no longer be copied with their feat story in sequence to improved promote the impression duplicate process.[/list] [b]Classes: General[/b][list] [*]Default Equipment: Starting weapons have been right away some-more uniform. Rogues right away begin with the span of daggers equipped. All alternative classes ! solely s hamans begin with the 2-handed arms versed as well as the compulsory capability already known. Shamans begin with the 1-handed arms as well as the shield, as they good some-more from the defense than they would from the 2-handed weapon. [*]Glancing Blows: The mage, warlock, as well as clergyman classes no longer have an increasing possibility for their mélange attacks to be glancing blows; as well as the repairs chastisement due to their glancing blows is the same as for alternative classes. [*]Health as well as Mana Regeneration: These metamorphosis rates have been increasing by up to 200% for low turn characters. As the players turn increases, the metamorphosis rates progressively reduce, returning to normal rates during turn 15. [*]Spell Mana Costs: These costs have been marked down for roughly all revoke turn spell ranks. In general, if the spell decreased in price with the aloft turn arrange in vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch 3.2.0, that spell right away has the decreased price during all ranks. In addition, spells schooled prior to turn twenty with marked down expel times and/or durations have even serve marked down mana costs, proportional to their rebate in expel time or damage.[/list] [b]Races: General[/b][list] [*]Racial Attribute Bonuses: These bonuses have been recalibrated to even out the volume of starting illness upon the assorted races. All races begin with the standardised turn of stamina, solely for orcs, dwarves, as well as tauren who right away begin with 1 one some-more indicate of stamina. For any class, bonuses as well as penalties to all attributes have been practiced so that any competition has an subsequent to charge total.[/list] [b]Death Knights[/b][list] [*]Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle: There is right away the 1-handed version of this rune in serve to the stream 2-handed rune. [*]Talents[list] [*]Unholy[list] [*]Night of the Dead: Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house ho! use hous e house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 45/90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.[/list][/list][/list] [b]Druids[/b][list] [*]Pets[list] [*]Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.[/list][/list] [b]Hunters[/b][list] [*]Misdirection: Redesigned. Instead of carrying calculable charges, it right away starts the 4-second timer when the hunter regulating Misdirection performs the threat-generating attack, during that all hazard generated by the hunter goes to the accessible target. In addition, mixed hunters can right away mislead hazard to the same accessible aim simultaneously. [*]Talents[list] [*]Beast Mastery[list] [*]Intimidation: If the hunters house house house house house house house house house house pet is in mélange operation of the target, the jolt from Intimidation will right away be practical rught away instead of upon the pets subsequent pitch or attack.[/list][/list] [*]Pets[list] [*]Avoidance: Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house house house house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 30/60/90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.[/list][/list] [b]Mages[/b][list] [*]Talents[list] [*]Arcane[list] [*]Arcane Empowerment: This bent right away additionally grants 1/2/3% increasing repairs finished by the mages celebration or raid for 10 seconds after the mage gets the vicious set upon with Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage, or Arcane Blast. This outcome is disdainful with Ferocious Inspiration as well as Sanctified Retribution.[/list][/list] [*]Pets[list] [*]Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.[/! list][/l ist] [b]Priests[/b][list] [*]Pet[list] [*]Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house house house house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.[/list][/list] [b]Rogues[/b][list] [*]Dual Wield: Rogues right away know this capability upon logging in to the diversion during turn 1. [*]Stealth: This capability no longer has mixed ranks. While active, the singular arrange of this capability (available during turn 1) allows rogues to pierce during 70% transformation speed. [*]Vanish: For the initial second after this capability is used, conjunction Vanish nor Stealth can be damaged by receiving repairs or being the plant of the antagonistic spell or ability.[/list] [b]Warlocks[/b][list] [*]Pets[list] [*]Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players. [*]Summon Imp: This capability is right away accessible from the tutor for turn 1 warlocks as well as no longer requires the query to learn.[/list][/list] [b]Warriors[/b][list] [*]Victory Rush: This capability is right away trainable during turn 6. [*]Talents[list] [*]Protection[list] [*]Damage Shield: This capability will no longer trigger any chance-on-hit goods from the soldier or the competition it damages.[/list][/list][/list] [b]User Interface[/b][list] [*]Quest Tracking Feature[list] [*]This complement is right away underneath growth as well as is not entirely functional.[/list] [*]Looking For Group System[list] [*]This underline is undergoing multiform improvements as well as is not accessible for contrast during this time.[/list] [*]For one some-more records upon Lua as well as XML changes greatfully revisit the UI & Macros Forum: [url=http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?sid=1&forumId=11! 114]http ://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?sid=1&forumId=11114[/url][/list] [b]Graphics[/b][list] [*]A brand new underline has been combined to the D3D graphics engine to urge hardness government (particularly for Windows XP users). This is right away enabled by default upon the open exam realms. For some-more report greatfully revisit the Test Realm forum: [url=http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?forumId=11572&sid=1]http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?forumId=11572&sid=1[/url][/list] [b]Professions[/b][list] [*]Enchanting[list] [*]Black Magic: This grace right away infrequently increases promptness rating for the caster rsther than than inflicting the casters aim with the damage-over-time effect. It is additionally right away triggered by alighting any damaging spell rsther than than inflicting repairs with the spell.[/list][/list] [b]Items[/b][list] [*]Glyphs[list] [*]Death Knights[list] [*]Glyph of Icy Touch: Instead of extenuation one some-more runic power, this glyph right away causes Frost Fever to understanding 20% one some-more damage.[/list] [*]Shamans[list] [*]Glyph of Fire Nova Totem: Renamed Glyph of Fire Nova. This glyph right away reduces the cooldown of Fire Nova by 3 seconds.[/list][/list][/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b][list] [*]Druids[list] [*]Rejuvenation: Rank fifteen of this spell was upon condition that the 15-second duration. It has been rightly marked down to twelve seconds.[/list] [*]Mages[list] [*]Flame Strike: Some ranks of this spell had an improper expel time of 3 seconds. All ranks right away share the 2-second expel time.[/list][/list] "Once you jumped off the vessel as well as in to the jungle, you cranked up the volume as well as marched to the own drummer..." [b]Community Team - English[/b] ([url=http://www.worldofraids.com/wow-blue-tracker/eu-forums/11030735003-3-3-0-ptr-patch-notes.html#0]Source[/url])[/quote]
SourceWorld of Warcraft PTR Patch 3.3.0

The ultimate exam area vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch records can regularly be found during http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/underdev/testrealm.html

The ultimate vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch records can regularly be found during http://www.wow-europe.com/en/patchnotes/index.html


  • Icecrown Citadel

    • The Pit of Saron in the 5-player cave is right away accessible for testing.
    • Additional Icecrown Citadel cave as well as raid calm will be finished accessible in destiny exam builds.

  • Dazed: Creatures aggressive the player from during the back of can no longer means players turn 1-5 to be dazed, as well as have the marked down possibility to means players turn 6-10 to be dazed.
  • Copied Test Realm characters will no longer be copied with their feat story in sequence to improved promote the impression duplicate process.

Classes: General

  • Default Equipment: Starting weapons have been right away some-more uniform. Rogues right away begin with the span of daggers equipped. All alternative classes solely shamans begin with the 2-handed arms versed as well as the compulsory capability already known. Shamans begin with the 1-handed arms as well as the shield, as they good some-more from the defense than they would from the 2-handed weapon.
  • Glancing Blows: The mage, warlock, as well as clergyman classes no longer have an increasing possibility for their mélange attacks to be glancing blows; as well as the repairs chastisement due to their glancing blows is the same as for alternative classes.
  • Health as well as Mana Regeneration: These metamorphosis rates have been increasing by up to 200% for low turn characters. As the players turn increases, the metamorphosis! rates p rogressively reduce, returning to normal rates during turn 15.
  • Spell Mana Costs: These costs have been marked down for roughly all revoke turn spell ranks. In general, if the spell decreased in price with the aloft turn arrange in vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable patch 3.2.0, that spell right away has the decreased price during all ranks. In addition, spells schooled prior to turn twenty with marked down expel times and/or durations have even serve marked down mana costs, proportional to their rebate in expel time or damage.

Races: General

  • Racial Attribute Bonuses: These bonuses have been recalibrated to even out the volume of starting illness upon the assorted races. All races begin with the standardised turn of stamina, solely for orcs, dwarves, as well as tauren who right away begin with 1 one some-more indicate of stamina. For any class, bonuses as well as penalties to all attributes have been practiced so that any competition has an subsequent to charge total.

Death Knights

  • Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle: There is right away the 1-handed version of this rune in serve to the stream 2-handed rune.
  • Talents

    • Unholy

      • Night of the Dead: Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house house house house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 45/90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.


  • Pets

    • Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.


  • Misdirection: Redesigned. Instead of carrying calculable charges, it right away starts the 4-second timer when the hunter regulating Misdirection performs the threat-generating attack, during that all hazard gener! ated by the hunter goes to the accessible target. In addition, mixed hunters can right away mislead hazard to the same accessible aim simultaneously.
  • Talents

    • Beast Mastery

      • Intimidation: If the hunters house house house house house house house house house house pet is in mélange operation of the target, the jolt from Intimidation will right away be practical rught away instead of upon the pets subsequent pitch or attack.

  • Pets

    • Avoidance: Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house house house house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 30/60/90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.


  • Talents

    • Arcane

      • Arcane Empowerment: This bent right away additionally grants 1/2/3% increasing repairs finished by the mages celebration or raid for 10 seconds after the mage gets the vicious set upon with Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage, or Arcane Blast. This outcome is disdainful with Ferocious Inspiration as well as Sanctified Retribution.

  • Pets

    • Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.


  • Pet

    • Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your house house house house house house house house house house pet takes from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.


  • Dual Wield: Rogues right away know this capability upon logging in to the diversion during turn 1.
  • Stealth: This capability no longer has mixed ranks. While active, the singular arrange of this capability (available during turn 1) allows rogues to pierce during 70! % transf ormation speed.
  • Vanish: For the initial second after this capability is used, conjunction Vanish nor Stealth can be damaged by receiving repairs or being the plant of the antagonistic spell or ability.


  • Pets

    • Avoidance (passive): Now reduces the repairs your pets take from area-of-effect repairs by 90%, though no longer relates to area-of-effect repairs caused by alternative players.
    • Summon Imp: This capability is right away accessible from the tutor for turn 1 warlocks as well as no longer requires the query to learn.


  • Victory Rush: This capability is right away trainable during turn 6.
  • Talents

    • Protection

      • Damage Shield: This capability will no longer trigger any chance-on-hit goods from the soldier or the competition it damages.

User Interface

  • Quest Tracking Feature

    • This complement is right away underneath growth as well as is not entirely functional.

  • Looking For Group System

    • This underline is undergoing multiform improvements as well as is not accessible for contrast during this time.

  • For one some-more records upon Lua as well as XML changes greatfully revisit the UI & Macros Forum: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?sid=1&forumId=11114


  • A brand new underline has been combined to the D3D graphics engine to urge hardness government (particularly for Windows XP users). This is right away enabled by default upon the open exam realms. For some-more report greatfully revisit the Test Realm forum: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.html?forumId=11572&sid=1


  • Enchanting

    • Black Magic: This grace right away infrequently increases promptness rating for the caster rsther than than inflicting the casters a! im with the damage-over-time effect. It is additionally right away triggered by alighting any damaging spell rsther than than inflicting repairs with the spell.


  • Glyphs

    • Death Knights

      • Glyph of Icy Touch: Instead of extenuation one some-more runic power, this glyph right away causes Frost Fever to understanding 20% one some-more damage.

    • Shamans

      • Glyph of Fire Nova Totem: Renamed Glyph of Fire Nova. This glyph right away reduces the cooldown of Fire Nova by 3 seconds.

Bug Fixes

  • Druids

    • Rejuvenation: Rank fifteen of this spell was upon condition that the 15-second duration. It has been rightly marked down to twelve seconds.

  • Mages

    • Flame Strike: Some ranks of this spell had an improper expel time of 3 seconds. All ranks right away share the 2-second expel time.
"Once you jumped off the vessel as well as in to the jungle, you cranked up the volume as well as marched to the own drummer..."

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