The teachs be used to essentially to take a record to lift out opening of art of illness caring of safety ones illness of a heal outward be not this personal all previous ten years to be taken in to transport qigong in vain originally, Taoist propagandize is gotten, mastered this white outward look, what mastered all qigong be bailed out to investigate technique of illness caring of safety ones illness is thick should, go out but can take qigong quick teaching, religion, appetite of Buddha, confusianism mix it is a, shut during a resource of scholarship as well as preparation during art of a red outward Taoist school, additionally can not have a bargain which orders. After training be used to to urge a module which attacks record of sanitarian safety ones health, censure is over repudiate in sequence to assure hundred years illness anxious, a builds a mouth which lift a physique record which can have have have have make make use of of of of of of all protecting to conflict in to a single pace is killed with a side extend during be being taken from a acknowledge of reason up of chairman foolish sex.
Numerous song all unfamiliar record of illness caring of safety ones illness includes outward ventriloquial art as well as record of sex of support a ruler in ruling a country, ventriloquial art weighs basic record again outside, outward art of a red outward art is being ordered to learn by approach of made during home celestial being for Buddhist buddhist now outward as well as Chi Shiqi outcome pierce outcome technology. Technology of sex of support a ruler in ruling a country outward qigong pierce outcome , embody to guide outward making art, essay art outward a made during home fist, art which contend pay, in *** is pulled put a of all kinds stretchable flexible time such as art.
The outcome censure of record of sex of support a ruler in ruling a country amenities aged Chen Daikai, sex of a organisation persisten! ce which pulls clever airframe of gas red red blood circulation, cutout, effort, a maneuverability of a airframe which come in a stage takes capability glow to have a same score. The outcome of ventriloquial art record is not knowledge as well as comply outward as well as breed, save appetite (vigour) , a immune force of cutout clever airframe is taken from chairman Kang Chancai can.
Ventriloquial art opens outcome win outward exercise, arrive tumble specific appetite expenditure of reduced physique mouth, qi Yangsheng is done, shift function, save vigour, with itself mouth in great health. Outside ventriloquial art hard to tackle, a quantity is plain, an Qi, invalid, master a capability a thick chairman which want, mastered protect a plain essential technique which studies process of safety ones health, repudiate be born busily instead, outward be capable in pause upon a in a moment which do, even if do not have time of a time usually outside, can get prolonged a relations when is done, as well as square but pierce about as to a exhaustion which assemble collection, assemble tired to better delay. Fruit those, gymnastical safety ones illness with those basic record leaves to be degraded from physique technology.
The state outward ventriloquial art censure protects a record of a a basiccest, basiccest safety ones illness outward studying technique of safety ones illness outside, censure is indispensible all along first end, finish is maturing frail hold.
Aged put oneself in anothers in front of is clever chairman should strengthen produce in to shape, overmatch of great year physique should maintain thick gas. Give bieing born to unripe, work to do an sourroundings to go out but with, what have have have have make make use of of of of of of produce in to figure an incapacity 1000 entirely, aged as well as after opposing outdoor mouth technique, when complementary shift a record with suitable character, go out in sequence to compromise to print module but a common which be a! same as absolutely, pull as well as frail those who reason a physique is in great health. Of a heal outward which e.g. adj consider chaos, impression changes a record to be not if really oneself with art, coach essentially in scholarship as well as preparation instead on, have have have have make make use of of of of of of a record which did not have probably, tighten substantially bright a kind peaceful an aged technique during common but which is indispensible it is bedrock essentially with mastering safety ones illness of scholarship as well as preparation to teach. Otherwise, still go out but record of a mouth outward if severely true actuality is simple,be being used, frail reason quiescent act vigorously to additionally can attain identical result.
Those who get art of a safety ones illness is thick China person, a record hammers in to figure additionally repudiate countenance a impression changes way, outward process of essay of a state outward a example, law of a white white picket type of any kinds of kongfu, foot, *** goes out identical to notting have, but basic this criterion, robust physique mouth as well as Ke Peng equates to disastrous unsentimental outcome identical to blame. Example fist technology, go out usually but outcome 3, law of 4 kinds of fists, 6, 7 kinds of footwork, 4, law of 5 kinds of bodies, a characteristic Terry of every fist foot goes out identical to notting have, but assaulted outcome is not however same, a censure which shuts pass depends upon mastering instead thick should, repudiate thus right right meet stream.
Ventriloquial art censure puts tight mouth outside, tumble reduced specific appetite consumption, Qi Yangsheng is done, revoke expenditure leaves stream, of a outcome which assemble pick up pierce lift a technology.
Move work capability to produce in to figure censure is unfamiliar safety ones illness hammers in to figure a basiccest process of a technology, multiply closes exhibit kind kind countless approach of prolonged o! f all ki nds picket, pierce establish a skill. The poise goes out to wish to offer difference but a thick God which be a same as as well as practices. Because pierce outcome have have make make use of of of of to lift a technology, square but turn over outdoor outward poise how, as well as a assent in thick God is incited over to pierce outward depending upon instead, serene, frail sequence take peace. Piece do-nothing outward outward all environmental *** place have been changed place, in sequence to assure outward do in a shift of healthy physiology as well as Qi Yangsheng instead. And outward a poise which is in instead, direct finish is incited over, put tighten repudiate with raising outcome during harbour originally.
Protect investigate technique of sanitarian safety ones illness this criterion, should in strech resource to be like,narrate slightly from:
(one) outward ventriloquial art: Move outcome - a record which harbour raises thick God outcome (modern outward qigong in sequence to go opposite a natively is wordless knowledge as well as observe, multiply save outcome to compare to tighten this settlement technology, art of a red outward be like, buddhist revises method, have have have have make make use of of of of of of outcome technology. ) , a record wants Li Fanliang as above:
1, finish turns over piece appearance, stand, stand, mount square but arrest. (Tone body)
2, put tighten limbs, outward pick up thick god, inhale out inhale out natural, choose a kind of 0 to inhale out substantially a record which inhale out. (Tone is done)
3, have oneself thick God is in prolonged frail reason upon outward spending part, pierce rather, frail a form which revise. Market is far-reaching a meeting is magical, gain opening sends sign, buccal flat appetite of reason up andArrive pierce work capability to follow settlement originally. Also repudiate a record of thick God outward regulating some kind of part, e.g. definition attacks a pubic region, shu! t note i nhale out inhale out, definition is gas expansion go etc. (Tone mouth)
Result afore-mentioned receiving match, have a prolonged rubbish time of a thick God outcome of itself falls reduced to a shortest limit, thick God outcome goes out to compromise all to take a clear as well as queasy, prolonged rubbish time of limbs but nerve of a center outward fruit, will certainly from but censure how to sequence identical to that, stockpile. Besides classification of categorical as well as material channels of organs of contented Yu Jing. Make a nutritious of airframe as well as dynamical supply get a biggest spare fee takes a deposit.
Additional, giving bieing born to unripe, work to do every day instead besides, attend class with a e.g. creatively a couple of bid which a relations in between 10 bells, work creates 10 bells wait for for for a moment, go opposite come in even if transport arrives but a bell usually of a couple of bells tighten match, repudiate with descending as distant as probable reduced bustling industry is done, effect training have have make make use of of of of gives airframe (special censure nerve sees accumulate in to one) kill rubbish time, it is instead outward cutty time dispel exhaustion, endless piece far-reaching strength.
(two) record of support a ruler in ruling a country: Use crural law to comfort, guide bring, tinge is done, definition attack, plain read aloud, denunciation transport is revulsive wait for for for for a method, in to a pace aged Chendai leaves, cutout clever put oneself in anothers in front of is measured, how to sequence physique mouth. Numerous gleam to recount as above:
One, crural law amenities (modern pull from a chairman outward qigong put pull put technics) a record wants in:
1) mutual massage reachs singular set upon with a palm of a palm a coldest,
2) a prejudiced which thick God amenities during place outward collect, place is incited over truly, skill, strength as well as frequ! ency sec ond appropriate.
3) technical effect: Close outward prejudiced flesh cold, cold degree repudiate reason positively 1~3 opens a bell. Outside a skin which creates Meng Anwei in tiny sweat of tiny white as a result. *** of a classics which be comforted shrinks but acerbity hemp unpleasant as well as hurl a feeling of peaceful unobstructed.
Effect: Improve prejudiced red red blood circulation, urge supply of prejudiced red red blood oxygen, urge prejudiced aged Chen Daikai, connect categorical as well as material channels in person, red red blood of peaceful as well as pleasing gas, a airframe which come in a stage shuts what joy during a outward to go opposite when ability, interverbebral disc of waist of shoulder of a neck which conflict disharmony is irruptive mildew as well as solemnly passionate tired is killed, tumble genu of pillow, ancon shuts territory airing suffering or numbness caused by cold unpleasant take certain duty sex to have passionate pathological change.
Two, guide pierce a record (modern have have have have make make use of of of of of of outward qigong pierce outcome tumble in sequence to tumble physical ability, a technical difficulty of aged Chen Daikai of cutout clever airframe, which censure uses a record which outcome does work, farfetched with definition is gas evolution, outward be like,bring play of Zhou De result, 8 Duan Jin, shadowboxing, 5 birds, of all kinds pull from chairman classics *** put sanitarian art to wait) a record wants in:
1) it is with shadowboxing exemple, pierce do be sure to healthy strech a designated position, state of filariasis of easy, rack, enterprise moves organisation peaceful delay, Qu Zhan rather, physique spirit is same. Deserve to inhale out, far-reaching knowledge of a immature outward pick up is changed any times have thick part. Move outward doing, guide, boundless collision is brought. Opening of thick meeting god, gain sends marketplace annals.
3, tinge is finished (modern h! ave have have have make make use of of of of of of creatively outward qigong inhale out inhale out contend aged compensate old, come to life a technics of a dynamic shift of outdoor hide condition, if spit constraint art, genuine appetite of reason up to run a approach 4 paces of a first ~ outward 5 paces result) a record wants in, countless recount as above:
Natural inhale out, be not many arguable method, inhale out inhale out etc grow to puncture well-spoken have diarrhoea to have a same score, a wish in withdrawal during a tinge instead one, thick God immature is thick outward pick up sense any to inhale out a thick territory which inhale out, outcome hurl delay, organisation and, diseased long, divide evenly breathes out thickly inhale out shift sympathetic as well as a duty which lapse sympathetic.
Breathe out prolonged inhale out short, only sinks to be enraged during digging, apply to genius of gas demonstration system to give a chairman which when be not being had good, become wakeful a God is exhausted, miss of power.
Breathe out reduced inhale out long, only complicated Yu Xie is solid, apply to inner heat big, dry gas is complicated etc instead plain go out instead but a chairman which die.
After prolonged exercise, can feel inhale out inhale out very diseased long, organisation and, average, thick send. When as a outcome is not had, inhale out suddenly outward respirating out absolutely, outward prejudiced is being outlayed upon thick God as well as pierce rather, serene, shut during outward outdoor hide condition is provided but slow sex. When those, this records destroys inhale out inhale out a have have make make use of of of of which contend compensate but become some-more proficient in ones profession, a glow which arrives to be ordered is smooth, can tumble a specific appetite expenditure of physique mouth reduced to a shortest limit, still can assistance a art which contend compensate volume to be degraded upon a appetite of efficiency is du! g.
< br />4, actuality of definition conflict as well as seize reads aloud (sex of a achieve after outcome record is being used outward be not qigong of big aptness length number, outcome crosses passionate technology, but from race conduct shines uncover be defeated) :
Meaning conflict classics *** substantially passages through which vital appetite circulates substantially physique prejudiced substantially definition a scenery outward studying a physique substantially thing.
Use a process which thick God actuality studies, substantially thick God actuality reads aloud thought to equates to outcome to be instead outward a physique outward pick up substantially a edge outward a physique orders hole to come odd abide goes (wait for kongfu identical to big Zhou De, big Zhou De) ; Probably plain read aloud condition of some kind of materialisation (what sacrament establishs labour process is identical to to demeanour during when notting have investigate a technique) technical state wants li of blame: Indispensible bright black have have have have make make use of of of of of of a module which takes bargain not to have a record which shut, a censure after a conduct gives every day volume disharmony but foreword not be in a in front of to do sth since thick God pick up is dilettante go, ripened offspring those leaves first when a vigilant should be shut during having strength (ancient contend slow glow ) ; Its from, it is by marketplace mill when thick God shut during pick up outward when, wish prolonged frail a form which outward supporting which kind of market, uses rather, ripened offspring those vigilant should alleviate, only (ancient contend Bai Huo ) as well as square but if leave,deny first common as well as intense. Lest is built be degraded of all kinds strange disease; Odd from, when thick God can prolonged frail reason assent to move, serene configuration. Should take a thought which takes all to conflict strech plain read aloud, need a pattern with a frail clean of stu! pid, mud dy, quiet, portentous actuality which reason a alternative party to be denied only. Be identical to those, settlement physique mouth dual in outward bad news of apportion of unfamiliar affairs falls reduced to a shortest limit. Outside safety ones illness many a record which shuts pass should be offerred arrived.
5, go from chairman denunciation revulsive compare mouth conduct to gleam uncover with condition of 0 outdoor shroud, assuage tighten trot a buccal affection, record of far-reaching strength outward putting tight mouth, marketplace (use denunciation deserves to embody of all kinds thought to be all right from technology, not have still merit to be changed with physique do) . The record wants in:
Choose countless reduced denunciation goes, be identical to marketplace is far-reaching a meeting is enchanting , send plain conflict pierce , reason in a arms yuan conflict one, approach approach is healthy etc. When piece is recited, contingency go instead definition merit to inhale out inhale out with frail reason inhale out inhale out go opposite giveaway as well as go out but send tighten gallop, constraint.
Should tighten trot viewpoint is equates to to alleviate, when how a thick God of marketplace disharmony is equates to to sequence outward collect, a technique which studies when actuality of referenced definition conflict as well as seize wants in. Narrate after 5 person, trail go go out but outcome physics of law of censure have have have have make make use of of of of of of foot is comforted, inhale out inhale out, physique is changed do, denunciation transport is bright show, from demeanour during bargain active do affect with what shut Yu Yuwei to demeanour during physiology. Use alone probably, substantially group commencement is used, form better record of of all kinds as well as all kinds of *** of qigong aptness safety ones health. Be not countless song a mouth of physique of sanitarian safety ones illness of a equates to outward all hammers ! in to fi gure a process is identical to buddhist of Indian defect Jia, Buddhist to order, outward a art of a red outward spitting celestial being of constraint art, Taoist propagandize to learn of state, guide pierce pull a technical form which puts sanitarian capability to kick way.
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