Tuesday, October 27, 2009

BLACK VELVET BRUCE LI : Moran's TownHall Imperils Local Church

Number of votes cast in 2007 50th District election: 10,218
Number of views of Jeanette Rishell as good as Used Condom Girl: 2,353
Number of views of Jeanette Rishell's Used Condom Picture: 1,093
3,446 total views = 33.7% of a electorate.

Dems Abandon Jeanette Rishell CampaignIs PWCH Becoming Anti-Christian?

Morans TownHall Imperils Local Church

By Greg L | 21 September 2009 | Fairfax County, Illegal Aliens, US Congress | 65 Comments

So it looks similar to Congressman Jim Moran is removing ready early to try to ram leisure for bootleg aliens down a throats, aided of march by a ACORN-tainted SEIU. Whats erotically appealing here is a singular of a series of non-profit organizations which seems so eager to throw divided their tax-exempt station by violating manners barring their advocacy of a sold legislative proposal. St. Anthonys Parish, a Methodist Catholic church, as good as Culmore United Methodistare not customarily so definitely negligent.

IRS regulations require which organizations awarded tax-exempt station underneath Section 501(c)(3) of a IRS Code refrain from advocating for or opposite a thoroughfare of any legislative offer in further to refraining from endorsing or hostile candidates for office. In we do so, contributions to a classification have been tax-exempt. If they wanted to spin a domestic organization, theyd have to record underneath Section 501(c)(4) which would concede them to do this, though they would have to abstain carrying contributions be tax-deductible. Otherwise, charitable organizations would be engaging in domestic wake up whilst being underwritten in a approach by a sovereign government.

Churches have mislaid their tax-exempt station in a past for customarily this kind of behavior, as good as a financial impactof carrying a 501(c)(3) station revoked is enormous. When a church unexpected has to compensate during a behind of taxes andis right divided subject to carrying all their contributions subjected to taxes, it leaves a financial hole which can be positively crippling. Often, they close as a result. This is about as reticent a pierce as a singular could imagine, putting domestic philosophy ahead of a fiancial viability of a church.

As for a rest of these organizations, a a undoubted whos who of a extent domestic left in Virginia. Just a sorts Jim Moran typically likes to join forces with with. Theyll yield him with a good bootleg alien-friendly assembly tonight which will concede him to contend which all hes listened about a emanate is which we need to leagalize all a bootleg aliens so they can get taxpayer-funded healthcare.

UPDATE: The Dar Al Hijirah Islamic Center which is a partial of this has additionally been criticized for aiding a 9-11 hijackers as good as carrying clerics associated with Al -Quaeda. The center is linked to convicted militant Abduraman Al-Amoudi, a Muslim Brotherhood, as good as alternative nonconformist Islamic organizations.

On Dar Al Hijrahs website, there have been links to a sites of dual distinguished organizations linked to a Muslim Brotherhood, an 80-year-old eremite movement which seeks to have Islamic eremite law, or Shariah, a controlling basis for society: The Muslim American Society (MAS) as good as a Council upon American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

The imam of Dar Al Hijrah is Shaker Elsayed, a former MAS secretary-general, who has oral admiringly of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan Al-Banna, telling a Chicago Tribune which his ideas have been a closest reflection of how Islam should be in this life. Elsayed additionally accused a Justice Department of foul targeting Muslims similar to Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who was convicted of joining al Qaeda whilst overseas as good as plotting to murder President George W. Bush. Abu-Ali, right divided portion a 30-year jail sentence, loved during Dar Al Hijrah.

The Eid video includes Esam Omeish, a member of Dar Al Hijrahs board of directors who was recently defeated in his bid for a Democratic assignment in District 35 in a Virginia House of Delegates. In 2004, Omeish praised Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, founder of a Hamas apprehension organisation who had been assassinated a month progressing by Israel as a beloved Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. In 2007, Omeish was forced to forgo from a Virginia immigration panel after a video was posted display him praising Palestinians who chose a jihad approach to liberate their land from Israel.

So we have Jim Moran, internal churches, as good as a SEIU aiding in advance Islamistspush for givingamnesty for bootleg aliens. Thats unequivocally got to have folks wonder what a heck is starting upon here.

UPDATE 2: St. Anthonys, it turns out, is a Catholic church. we theory a Diocese of Arlington is vigilant upon removing itself in to difficulty AGAIN.

The opinions expressed here have been solely a views of a author, as good as not deputy of a in front of of any organization, domestic party, doughnut shop, needlework guild, or rubbish recycling facility, though might be rightly attributed to a Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. If anything in a upon top of essay has offended you, greatfully click here to embrace an evident apology.

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  • It looks similar to they would have been ok if they left out which a singular line, Participate to ensure which a Virginia inaugurated officials opinion in preference of immigration reform. Then it would be customarily an additional forum.

    I cruise Churches in ubiquitous should remove their taxation giveaway station they have been all customarily businesses these days. Why should we finance any of them? Churches used to be a primary source of amicable services for their communities right divided these amicable services have been customarily footnotes upon their goal statement. If we wish to see where a income goes, customarily demeanour during their facilities.

  • They should have invited PETA also, given they wish to give all animals a same inherent rights bona fide Americans have.

  • What about vegetables rights?

  • Another flyer upon MetroLatino gives a broad outlines of a process agenda:

    Please, experience in this important event. Lets await comprehensive immigration reform.

    No some-more raids as good as deportations
    No to 287g
    A program which requires those who have been undocumented to get upon a right side of a law by passing credentials checks, studying English, as good as operative towards full U.S. citizenship
    Reunification of family groups separated by outdated immigration laws

    Source: http://metrolatinousa.com/printFriendly.cfm?articleID=113725

    Seems similar to a flattering in advance set of process objectives to me.

  • I goal which these violations have been documented as good as a IRS told AFTER a event. Some video would be nice, if someones not as good busy. We could fake a an ACORN office

  • Agree with Im customarily saying which all churches should be taxed. They have been large business; a small mega-businesses.

  • This is what we mean by subdivision of church as good as state. Its a singular thing to evangelise tolerance as good as love, quite an additional to push a domestic side. Islam as good as Rev Wright have been wonderful examples of governing body in a pulpit. Weve seen how which functions out as good as we wish no partial of it.

  • Dont worry about a church, Greg. Attacking tax-exempt station is a chastisement indifferent customarily for churches which advocating upon seductiveness of CONSERVATIVE causes.

  • 1. It seems to me which an huge volume of personal as good as domestic appetite as good as income have been being outlayed upon this emanate of bootleg aliens. This should be resolved, as good as as shortly as possible (IMHO). Now it is customarily muddying a waters around illness care.

    2. we see a same complaint with these unconstrained wars.

    Our existent domestic problems have dragged upon prolonged enough. They have dragged opposite changes in administration. They have been affecting some-more evident issues. We have lives to lead as good as alternative things to do. Our supervision contingency sh*t or get off a pot.

  • Karla,

    I establish with we - a complaint is which commercial operation wish poor labor, as good as wish to feat a bootleg immigrants, as they cannot feat immature Americans in a same way.

    The customarily approach to compromise a Illegal Immigrant emanate is to go after a employers full force. You can expatriate all we want, there is an additional opening over to fill a same job. we laugh when people wish brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new laws enacted, when all it takes is to have a existent laws upon a books. Or laws have been created which is customarily so limiting which it is circuitously useless.

    Example - demeanour during a hands giveaway laws - it pertains to voice calls, not texting - or regulating a GameBoy, etc.

  • So instead of preaching to their congregations about sharing, these churches wish to shift lawmakers as good as have us all share, possibly we wish to or not as good as possibly we belong to their church or not. Any church which participates in this should have a tax-exempt station revoked. Then pierce upon to a rest of themthey have been customarily businesses. They have no right to force me, by Forms 1040 or 760, to financially benefit anyone, especially illegals.

  • The following credentials paper by a Center for Immigration Studies A Biblical Perspective upon Immigration Policy might be of seductiveness to Christians looking for well-referenced element which would be useful in tackling eremite liberals carrying difficulty understanding scripture:


  • St. Anthonys, Culmore United Methodist as good as a Dar Al Hijrah Islamic center have been all fundamentally in Baileys Crossroads. As a area has a 37% Hispanic race we would expect Moran to have a vast internal turnout.


    Perhaps a relate of appetite as good as shift from a days of a Holy Roman Empire still tug during a powers which be.

    Meanwhile we go upon to do conflict opposite a one-two punch from Washington.

    And they contend bipartisanship has been upheld in a nations capital.

    One side has given aid whilst they scramble opposite a extent to benefit expostulate down a cost of work as good as has granted them leisure some-more than once.

    Concurrently a alternative side of a isle functions to give them all when they get here as good as go upon a quarrel for nonetheless an additional leisure for a millions perplexing to get in prior to it takes place.

    Dont it have we feel all comfortable as good as hairy to see them operative so good together?

  • The essay posted by Greg is excellent!

  • The customarily approach to compromise a Illegal Immigrant emanate is to go after a employers full force.

    Another approach to finalise a bootleg newcomer emanate would be to grant all of them amnesty. Right? Would we similar to that? Probably not

    I establish with we in which we should go after a employers. Whenever we request for a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new pursuit we contingency fill out an I9 form to prove which we can legally be employed. Obviously illegals do not go by such scrutiny which is a form of discrimination opposite me (I should contact a ACLU ;^) To have a existent law (which we reason is perfectly reasonable) we should holder up E-Verify.

    But my strange indicate is which Obama contingency call a shot upon bootleg immigration. a singular approach or an additional prior to we can pierce forward. We need to know what a ground manners have been for a society prior to we can plead any brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new laws (e.g. illness care). He contingency do this to be fair to a Joe Wilsons of a world.

    So, Pat, what we wish to do is force Obamas palm upon bootleg immigration. And we wish to force it now. we wish to pierce a emanate to a head, as good as get it over with. Weve squandered sufficient appetite in a past. Now we have been wasting appetite upon brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new laws. Make sense?

  • I would suggest which ALL registered or expected voters in Morans district should embrace a entice customarily as printed. we cruise there would be some-more than a slight uproar.

  • I cruise all churches should have a right to take stands for their faith. Should a Mormons remove their taxation giveaway station for their in front of upon happy marriage? Should a parishes which critique upon Sudley Road remove their station for authorised demonstration? we dont think. we see no difference in this. If we dont similar to a views of a church, dont go there.

  • No a singular is arguing which churches shouldnt be equates to to verbalise out upon counts of faith, though can they omit a IRS regulations which govern a tax-exempt station which they enjoy? If they wish to be domestic organizations, they cannot be tax-exempt. Those have been a rules.

  • I goal we dont take this as an impassioned statement, though cruise what would have happened during a Civil Rights epoch if churches whose member not customarily reason meetings in though essentially walked to a singular side Martin Luther King, Jr. chose instead to stay out of a national debate.

    Separation of Church as good as State is a necessity; no republic should repudiate a members a leisure to demonstrate their eremite convictions. But herein lies a required tension: all religions, given they paint an ethical as good as moral voice to a community, indispensably engage in politics, especially when governing body hurdles moral/ethical norms reason by these faiths. Are there conflicts of perspective even inside of these conviction communities? Of course. This is a worth as good as appropriate context for a approved people as good as nation. Both conservative, liberal, as good as any any alternative members of conviction as good as non-faith in a spectrum of a republic ought to have a leisure to demonstrate their conviction convictions. Would we wish supervision to silence those who conflict termination or euthanasia or stem-cell research? They have as most right to be stable by a Constitution as do those arguing for those issues.

    You wish approved freedom? Then concede for giveaway countenance as good as debate to win over hearts as good as minds. But do so civilly.

  • Dont we, a people, occupy Obama? Then we should direct to see HIS papers! Whats more, Catholics should definitely pierce this flyer to a attention of their pastors as good as bishops, explaining given there will be no some-more $ from parishioners upon Sundays.

  • One of a improved presentations upon a issue. Direct, concise, factual as good as easy to understand.


    Comprehensive Immigration Reform is neither.
    Yes Virginia, they do lie!

  • So, by your reasoning, a Catholic Church should compensate taxes for their termination protests as good as a Mormons for their sincere await for Prop 9? Greg, we unequivocally dont get you.

  • My understanding is which eccentric entities protested termination (such as a American Life League) as good as opposed tender 8. If Churches engaged in sincere domestic wake up as a church, we reason which would call in to serious subject their tax-exempt status. That standard applies everywhere.

    Notice upon this flyer which a obviously a churches themselves which have been participating, not for e.g. a 501(c)(4) classification which has a poignant suit of their membership opening from a singular denomination. Thats a poignant difference.

  • Do people retain a right to verbalise in preference of or opposite a policy, a piece of legislation, a process maker? Yes. Do a collect up of people retain a right to verbalise in preference or opposite a same? Yes. Which is given non-profits as good as for-profits frequently demonstrate their subsidy for specific policies as good as politicians. What does it require for a non-profit to verbalise upon seductiveness of a legislative position? An agreement from their ranks. For example, MADD (mothers opposite dipsomaniac driving) doesnt demur to validate local/state/federal authorised body which supports gripping dipsomaniac drivers off a roads. Are they taxed? No. And should MADD validate a candidate who finished a clever push towards augmenting penalties for dipsomaniac driving, would we cruise which publicity political? or would we reason it appropriate to their philosophy as good as values?

    The being is which conviction informs most people of conviction what their governing body should be. And if youre starting to contend conviction ought to stay out of governing body as good as not validate or conflict positions discordant to which groups worth system, afterwards lets discuss it ALL groups to keep their opinions to themselves when it comes to specific policies.

    What we destroy to see is which a conviction classification creates a endorsements NOT upon a subject of a celebration or domestic organisation they have been aligned with, though to a in front of any domestic organisation or sold creates upon a ISSUE which is applicable to which conviction organization.

    Which is precisely given complete denominations have been given permission to demonstrate their views upon such huge as good as looming authorised counts as collateral punishment, termination rights, tellurian trafficking, as good as upon as good as on. And when a piece of legislation appears which addresses THAT SPECIFIC ISSUE, it creates all a clarity in a universe for which classification to during a behind of it. Faith groups have been NOT endorsing a domestic celebration for which partys sake - they have been endorsing those positions which verbalise to their priorities when it comes to ethical/moral matters.

    And again, even inside of a same faith, there can be as good as have been differences of opinion. But a mass of a constitution is which we have been authorised to though quarrel these fights we caring deeply about.

    So lets not upset a genuine definition of a subdivision of Church as good as State. In past cases, it had to be proven which a church or synagogue or mosque possibly had a steady pattern of subsidy ONE celebration or CANDIDATE in any box of issues, OR which there was specific MONEY being aligned towards a subsidy of such a candidate.

    What would truly be un-American would be to restrict eremite leisure by dictating which houses of ceremony cannot even reason meetings where a singular or both sides of an emanate can be presented as good as debated. Good Lord! Do we comprehend which houses or ceremony were COMMON places for governing body to be discussed throughout a history of a land? Want to theory where a founding Fathers of a republic often found themselves sitting as good as articulate governing body or rallying folks to hear a domestic speech?

    Lets keep talking.

  • Also, is there any a single out there who is AGAINST immigration reform? The complement is broken, in any box of which side we mount on. So lets verbalise about what needs to be done, means we dont see twelve million undocumented people being shipped during a behind of opposite a borders anytime soon. Lets verbalise about ways to have existent laws, though lets additionally verbalise about a fundamental problem: if im unequivocally hungry as good as theres food over a fence, theory whatim coming. in my neck of a woods, theres been a climb in migrants from Guatemala. Guess what their occupation was? Farmering. What have been they now? Out of work. Why? Something called CAFTA - an additional Free Trade agreement which benefited vast U.S. farms, though killed a internal small farmers in Guatemala. Want to get angry? Lets get angry together during a vast corporate farms as good as industrial giants subsidy them thats formulating even some-more joblessness as good as craving for a neighbors to a south. we dont get given center category US adults have been removing angry during displaced person undocumented workers - given a law is which were both removing screwed by most larger interests - to whom were easy pawns, especially when all we do is attack any other.

    Someone, teach me upon this.

  • Remember when we were so blissful to pierce from which low income area to a improved a singular with meaningful schools for your kids? Well, right divided a complaint is which a people from which old low income area is relocating in to yours! People relocating subsequent doorway that, underneath normal lending practices, wouldnt be equates to to spin your brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new neighbors formed upon income, which is customarily formed upon a a type pursuit reason which is customarily formed upon education. Now we have grass caring workers who dont even verbalise English relocating in subsequent to accountants. Got to means friction. Great for them, though bad for those who suspicion they left which stage behind. So whilst a accountant maintains his home as good as pays for his kids lunch, a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new neighbor throws a cot upon a front grass as good as crows about his 4 kids removing giveaway meals. THAT is given people have been so up in arms about bootleg aliens!

  • concerned citizen,

    We dont have to expatriate XX million people, dont have to flog down doors, dont have to conduct raids. All we have to do is hospital E-Verify as good as this will remove a extrememly messy sight corroboration complement - a complement so messy which employers get divided with accepting 000-00-0000 as a current SS#! Follow this up with no-match letters, vouchsafing businesses know which SS#s as good as names & alternative interpretation do not agree. Follow up with disinclined employers as good as prosecute, prosecute, prosecute.

    Also direct which all persons be told in box of mixed SS#. Are we wakeful which even if SSA or IRS have any reason to reason which you, who have had twenty or some-more years of essential taxes, gripping your info up-to-date, etc, have been a plant of carrying somebody else use your SS#, they will not discuss it you. There should be a law which they must. However, if somebody regulating your SS# disappears overdue taxes, a IRS can demeanour to we to collect. You can expected prove which we dont owe them, though it will take time as good as expected income to do so. That is your difficult luck.

    FYI take a demeanour during

    http://www.cis.org/IdentityTheft as good as


    if we wish to clarity a bit some-more about this subject as good as a effects of bootleg immigration as good as for which matter a lot of LEGAL immigration upon most of a most vulnerable citizens. Once finished legal, inexperienced workers can pierce their siblings, parents, as good as grown immature kids in to a US around lengthened familiy reunification. These people can afterwards get immature cards as good as work, futher pushing down inexperienced salary as good as pushing up unemployment. Who picks up a costs to a village for these workers as good as a own inexperienced citizens, who use some-more in services than they compensate in taxes? We all do.

  • This is all disgraceful as good as should be voted down. This is customarily an additional VOTE for a Liberals as good as Democrats. Moran needs to be voted OUT of office.

    These have been mostly liberals with SEIU (a partial of ACORN) bveing partial of it as good as a Union which embraces obama.

  • My apologies for a bad couple upon prior post.

    This a singular should work.



    If youre meddlesome in how most it has cost, what it will cost after a leisure as good as a cadence of both bootleg as good as LEGAL immigration upon a amicable services subsidies programs. These have been OUR taxation dollars as good as they have been operative upon receiving even more.

    For all who have been meddlesome in somehow creation this work your acquire to step up as good as compensate for it yourself. Otherwise close down a gravy sight as good as send them home.

  • The French have prolonged tolerated unobstructed immigration. That process has resulted in mercantile as good as amicable disharmony to a extent which a bulldozers (remember a stage in Solyent Green?) had to be brought in (from a WSJ):

    Associated Press
    CALAIS, France French military bulldozed a squalid, sprawling timberland stay known as a jungle circuitously a northern city of Calais upon Tuesday, detaining hundreds of bootleg migrants who had hoped to trip opposite a English Channel in to Britain.

    French Immigration Minister Eric Besson, who visited a site Tuesday, called it a base stay for tellurian traffickers as good as pronounced he would lapse a order of law to a northern French coast.

    View Slideshow

    Associated Press

    Police evacuated migrants in a stay in Calais.
    The people camped there especially migrants from Afghanistan have strained family in in between Britain as good as France as good as spin a symbol of Europes onslaught with bootleg migration.

    A total of 278 people scarcely half of them minors were incarcerated in a initial partial of a operation, pronounced Pierre deBousquet de Florian, a top central for a Pas-de-Calais region.

    This operation is not targeting a migrants themselves, it is targeting a logistics of a tellurian traffickers who feat them, he said.

    Refugees in jeans as good as sweatshirts, most appearing to be in their teens, carried knapsacks as good as blankets as they were led divided in singular lines by police. Activists yelled during a military with bullhorns, combining a tellurian sequence around a small refugees, as good as briefly scuffled with military as they took a men as good as boys a singular by one.

    Several refugees appeared unhappy about their fate, pathetic sensitively as they squatted in a silt or stood in military lines.

    Mr. Besson pronounced there was no violence in a operation as good as all personal belongings were collected as good as were being sorted out in a Calais mosque. Thirty interpreters as good as a healing group were aiding authorities with a operation as good as 200 proxy beds were arranged for a migrants, a informal administration department said.

    After a people were privileged out, authorities brought in bulldozers to bomb a obstruction of temporary tents built from sticks as good as sheets of cosmetic between a silt as good as brush. Workers with sequence saws cut down a trees as good as scrub brush which had upheld a tents.

    Activist organisation Refugee Action called a military operation horrific as good as inhumane though concluded a stay shouldnt have been available to sprout up in a initial place.

    They should never have been authorised to rot there similar to this. Its abominable neglect as good as has authorised false expectancy to be built up, pronounced Sandy Buchan, a groups arch executive.

    British Home Secretary Alan Johnson pronounced he was delighted which a stay was being closed. Britain has ruled out receiving a migrants in, as good as Mr. Johnson pronounced genuine refugees should request for haven in a republic where they entered a EU.

    Most of a migrants reached Calais after dear as good as dangerous surreptitious journeys opposite Asia as good as Europe, by feet or dark in trucks as good as boats.

    The migrants try to elude a blow up extent confidence network, including feverishness sensors as good as infrared cameras, during a pier of Calais or a Channel hovel which carries Eurostar trains as good as alternative undersea traffic to Britain.

    Nearly a decade ago, most thousands finished it opposite by slipping inside or underneath trucks roving by a tunnel. Today customarily a couple of have it, though sufficient to sustain hope.

    Britain is viewed as an simpler place than France to have a life, even clandestinely, a perspective perpetuated by traffickers as good as family members or friends already there.

    Mr. Besson pronounced other, not as large camps scattered around a segment sheltering Iraqi Kurds as good as bootleg migrants from alternative difficulty spots would additionally be privileged out Tuesday as good as in a opening days.

    He pronounced any displaced person was being offered sold options, as good as which to date 180 have concluded to lapse to their countries as good as 170 proposed applying for haven in France. The others will be expelled from France, essentially to Greece, a indicate where most of a migrants initial entered a European Union.

    Mr. Besson brushed off critique which France was customarily passing a complaint of bootleg migrants upon to Greek authorities.

    French romantic organisation CSP59 said, Expelling them will do nothing, customarily disperse them.

    As most as 1,000 people during a time have called a jungle their home, though after Mr. Bessons proclamation their numbers dwindled.

    In a stay prior to a raid, piles of rubbish littered a scrubland. The bootleg migrants, a small as immature as 14 years old, oven baked flat bread over a glow in a tin drum. The customarily comforts were a spigot of H2O during a entrance, a homemade toilet dark during a behind of cosmetic and, in a scrupulously privileged area, a mosque finished of blue tarp as good as ringed with pots of flowers.

    In 2002, authorities distant a Red Cross-run stay in circuitously Sangatte, which had been used by bootleg migrants as a springboard for sneaking opposite a Channel. The migrants kept opening during a behind of even after a stay was close down.

    Copyright 2009 Associated Press

  • Also, is there any a single out there who is AGAINST immigration reform? The complement is broken, in any box of which side we mount on.

    Actually, we am opposite immigration reform. :^) we see no need for it. we cruise a immigration complement functions fine. It is perceptive in which it gives favoured diagnosis to prepared people, though there is a reason for this. We need doctors, engineers as good as scientists some-more than we need grass cutters. We need people who compensate taxes some-more than we need people who require amicable services. we do not see this as racist. we see this as how an manage to buy contingency work to sojourn viable.

    I DO see a need to remodel a defense of a borders given right divided we see an insufficient volume upon a southern extent (as evidenced by a series of illegals sneaking in).

    How can we contend this? we am a LEGAL immigrant. we found a job. we got an H1 visa. we worked which pursuit for 2 years. we got a illness test, as good as got a immature card. we worked some-more years. we practical for citizenship. we had a credentials check. we took a civics exam as good as an English test. we provided fingerprints. we was eventually granted citizenship to a biggest republic upon Earth. The complement worked excellent for me. It followed a schedule. No paper work was lost. The immigration department did a good job. And we played by a rules.

    Having pronounced which we will notice which we am pushing for Obama to work upon a immigration emanate prior to any serve work is done. we wish him to possibly say, We have been legalizing all extent busters. Or, We have been starting to have a laws, holder up E-Verify, as good as begin muscle action illegals out. He owes this to me, Joe Wilson, as good as all a illegals. Why? It appears which illness caring cannot be discussed until we know what a ground manners for a republic are. we cruise which most bills will be reliant upon how illegals will be treated. We cannot pierce brazen until we finalise a bootleg issue.

    If Obama says, we am bearing illegals over law abiding taxpayers, as good as those who have played by a rules, afterwards we will demeanour during all brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new bills a singular way. If Obama says, We have been a republic of laws, as good as those who have entered illegally contingency leave., afterwards we will demeanour during brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new bills another. we need to know possibly a series of uninsured which we will in conclusion be insuring with Obamas devise will be 28 million or 8 million.

    The unsteadiness has left upon prolonged enough. Obama put your cards upon a table. Im calling you.

    Am we creation clarity here? Do folks see what we am saying?

  • You have perfect clarity to me, Karla.

  • It is perceptive in which it gives favoured diagnosis to prepared people, though there is a reason for this. We need doctors, engineers as good as scientists some-more than we need grass cutters. We need people who compensate taxes some-more than we need people who require amicable services. we do not see this as racist. we see this as how an manage to buy contingency work to sojourn viable.

    Thats a laugh! What we have been missing, Karla, is which a singular largest source of LEGAL immigration is familiy reunification, not shining scientists, engineers, doctors, etc. The siblings of an inexperienced workman have been not expected to be top-drawer doctors, scientists, etc. They have been expected to be low learned as good as feeble educated, customarily similar to their kin who have been sponsoring them. The worst thing we can do is leaglize a 12-20 million bootleg aliens as good as afterwards concede them to pierce in their similar relatives. FWIW a realtives of a learned operative might or might not have equal talents.

    While we have been during it, how most clarity does permitting people who have been here for a comparatively reduced volume of time as good as who might reason twin citizenshio in their republic of begin (Ex Mexico) to have some-more contend over who is authorised in to a US (via family reunification) than people who have been here for generations as good as who reason no citizenship though in a US?

  • Pat,
    I contend we shove a emanate down Obamas throat.

    Obama, we dont know who is lying. You or Joe. Joe Wilson might unequivocally good have been right if your devise is to, in fact, approve all bootleg aliens once illness caring is passed. You contingency order upon a bootleg alien emanate initial so Joe as good as we as good as others know a numbers for a illness caring system. This emanate of illegals has left upon as good long. Illegals have been in limbo, as good as so is a authorised system.

    Obama, we won. Who have been we starting to order in preference of? Me, a lawabiding, taxpaying (formerly authorised newcomer as good as now) citizen? Or a garland of people who broke in to my republic as good as proposed crying racism when they did not get their way? If we order in preference of me, afterwards we holder up E-Verify as good as have a accordant effort to flog them out. If we order in preference of them, afterwards during slightest we will know how we should perspective a illness caring bill. Health caring is predicated upon immigration. Make a call.


  • Thats a laugh! What we have been missing, Karla, is which a singular largest source of LEGAL immigration is family reunification, not shining scientists, engineers, doctors, etc. The siblings of an inexperienced worker

    I hear ya, Gimme! Chain migration. If it is direct kin (spouse, immature kids reduction than eighteen years of age) afterwards we contingency concede them in, as good as a H1 program should take this in to account. If we wish a remarkable scientist, afterwards we contingency accept his direct family as well. Children over eighteen nope! Second cousins nope! They contingency request upon their own.

    Actually we am a twin adult (since we am a authorised immigrant). But we compensate all my taxes to this country, so we customarily opinion here. This is a customarily republic which concerns me. we left my alternative home for a reason :^)

    And not to get off topic here though it is my idea which a taxpayer should get a singular opinion for any dollar of taxation paid (thats a approach it is with my GE stock what a concept!). If we invest some-more afterwards we should be authorised some-more votes. But we dont cruise this will ever fly it sounds as good most similar to customarily land owners can vote.


  • Great, Karla. we agree. If we concede an newcomer in, we should concede his IMMEDIATE family - associate as good as teenager children. Parents, siblings, adult immature kids - no. They can request upon their own.

    This is a customarily republic which concerns me.

    Well, afterwards given not forgo your citizenship in your strange country? Why have been we hedging your bets? Anybody not peaceful to forgo prior allegiances should not be authorised to spin a citizen. Period. What we fright we see is people peaceful to come here, have money, as good as leave when they feel similar to it. They can mutilate a US over correct as good as afterwards leave. Most US adults dont have which option. Nothing opposite you, Karla, though this isnt a viable system..

  • Isnt this a senator which voted to go upon a pedophilia activities of ACORN with a taxation money? Someone needs to ask him given he feels it is required to condone activities similar to this. Its shameful. He should be recalled over this given a an outrage. Even Webb voted to discontinue funding.

  • Robert L. Duecaster pronounced upon twenty-two Sep 2009 during 1:23 pm

    (remember a stage in Solyent Green?) ..

    This might seductiveness you

    Soylent Green Biscuit Company

    Regarding a camps in Europe, a invasion of bootleg as good as authorised immigrants from essentially poor Islamic nations is reportedly breaking a during a behind of of most of a European nations amicable programs.

    The complaint here in America will go from bad to worse when a Presidents leisure kicks in, formulating millions of authorised residents eligible to access all kinds of amicable programs good over heath care.

    Were articulate trillions of dollars here. Where do we cruise a supervision will demeanour to have up those brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new bill shortfalls?

  • Well, afterwards given not forgo your citizenship in your strange country? Why have been we hedging your bets? - Gimme

    Renounce my twin citizenship? Why? we similar to hedging my bets! When a USD goes down we buy gold! Is offered USDs anti-American? It might be a most American thing we can do! It tells Herr Bernanke to take his income press as good as shove it. Hedging is a good investment strategy! Heres more:

    1. we am a capitalist, we suffer operative tough wherever we can, as good as being paid fair value.
    2. we demeanour after myself. we dont borrow, as good as we dont lend. we do not similar to essential taxes to await people who dont work. Some call this selfishness. we find individualism some-more palatable.
    3. The USA is a collective. It taxes me, to illustrate imposing a will upon me. My strange republic is a collective as well. But a choice in in between 2 collectives offers some-more leisure than 1.
    4. To whom do we swear allegiance? If a USA got in to a war, as good as fighting in which war benefited me, we would quarrel for a USA. Some might afterwards contend my devotion is to a USA though if we review this carefully, we will comprehend which my devotion is to myself as good as which a USA has deftly channeled devotion to oneself in to a equates to to strengthen an complete republic (the Founding Fathers WERE smart).

    Hmmm capitalist, individualism, anti-collectivism, leisure hey, those have been good regressive values!

    I am not a globalist by any means. we worked as good as waited to get in to a USA. we played by a immigration rules. we am a capitalist, as good as we fool around by entrepreneur rules. My in front of does not come (nor should it come) for giveaway (given a stream rules). we worked for what we have, we appreciate it. we do not abuse it. we have all my income here. we compensate all my taxes here. we wish those taxes to be outlayed upon adults (like me). The shooting of spies is utterly justified in my book. we would never have a traitorous act opposite possibly country.

    Most US adults dont have which option. Everyone in a USA has a same choice as me! Simply get a pursuit in my republic of origin, request for a visa, work, request for citizenship, take a citizenship test, credentials check, illness test, etc. as good as afterwards we will have 2 passports similar to me. My republic of begin would acquire probably any a single from a USA! But be prepared for reduce pay, worse weather, poor food, high prices, as good as bad housing (and to illustrate a reasons we left).

    Do we find anything upon top of contradictory? Well then, try this we am essentially COMPLETELY in preference of open borders(!). Yes, if (IF) a USA had a utterly entrepreneur society (e.g. all schools were private) afterwards we reason people should be authorised to pierce openly from a singular republic to a other. Everyone should be equates to to suffer a same (and in actuality more) leisure than we do! People have been a commodity. They should upsurge similar to goods, according to supply as good as demand. But (BUT) when Juan Valdez moves from Mexico to a USA he would have to comprehend which to teach his 7 immature kids in a in isolation schools he would have to compensate $10K/year each! That might cadence his decision. The reason we am opposite open borders (and bootleg aliens) is which a USA is not utterly capitalist. Illegals come here as good as siphon up a amicable services (again, schools) though a co-ordinate contribution. The reason we am opposite bootleg aliens is a same reason we am opposite socialism. Socialism encourages sloth, corruption, laziness. Capitalism encourages competition, work as good as capability by reward.

    Does this have sense?

  • go during a behind of five, no, 10 years. go during a behind of when recession levels were hanging around 4.5-6% in most regions of a united states. we know who were picking oranges, packing duck parts, washing soiled sheets, as good as mowing lawns? yep, immigrants. both authorised as good as illegal. we know who were portion burgers as good as operative during Walmart retail stores? yep, immigrants, in their case, authorised immigrants.

    Are there poor, uneducated, minimum-wage non-immigrants? of march - i see them aplenty in rural towns where immigrants havent nonetheless established themselves. as good as given havent they? given those jobs have been taken by non-immigrant poor peaceful to work prolonged hours for freakin small pay. though a being is which even in a most appropriate of times, when recession was low, we had millions of immigrants we do a kind of work which breaks backs for unequivocally little.

    if we begin with a premise which immigrants (lets customarily verbalise of authorised immigrants for now) have regularly taken a lowest joint jobs, after which their children, right divided educated, changed up a mobility scale, afterwards we have to have room for their participation here between us.

    i have a filipino friends who came upon a work visa. once he received his immature card, he practical for his IMMEDIATE family to come over (which meant 4 daughters as good as a singular son). we know how prolonged it took for his final daughter to come, with no snags in a system? she was 16 when a process began. she was 34 when she eventually was approved! 34!!! as good as for all which time she was not authorised to marry, given if she did, she would come in a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new category/status, as good as risk being behind or even outright refused. this is what i mean by a damaged system!

    im not sure whens a final time we looked during genuine cases of immigration these days. a not a fun when my immigration counsel crony tells me theres literally NO-WAY for those who collect crops or rinse linens to get here legally in to a states. there IS NO LINE to legally mount in for unskilled, untaught workers - unless youre family - in which box a a VERY LONG LINE.

    if we take all this to be true, or during slightest rather true, we have dual choices:

    (1) accept which a US is fundamentally a republic for educated, learned workers (i.e. we right divided flog out a unequivocally people who were most of a ancestors - irish potato farmers, german laborers, english peasants with a dreams) - a American Dream is not for a down-trodden, though for a elite.


    (2) get ready to compensate $10 for a Big Mac, as good as compensate $150/night to sleep during a motel 6 - given if we wish to eliminate those peaceful to work tough for little, in hopes of creation e a improved destiny for their kids, afterwards we improved be peaceful compensate a lot some-more for learned workers though jobs who indispensably do simple tasks, though customarily for aloft wages;


    (3) commend which a US will ALWAYS need simple work as good as simple services - as good as a faster we overtly consider what a marketplace unequivocally looks like, how most workman visas we unequivocally need, afterwards we can essentially emanate a organic immigration complement thats truthful to a desire for poor services, whilst giving inexperienced laborers a chance to find their American dream.

    what do we think?

  • get ready to compensate $10 for a Big Mac

    Economic fallacy, similar to a $10 heads of lettuce.

    Get a clue.

  • P.S. gimmee..thanks for a links.

  • I wouldnt compensate a buck for a Big Mac let alone 10 of them.

  • if we take all this to be true, or during slightest rather true, we have dual choices: - a endangered citizen

    If we go upon to pierce in inexperienced work afterwards arent we running a Ponzi scheme? Immigrants come in they pierce up a ladder as good as afterwards we need even some-more immigrants to await a prior immigrants.

    I was regularly anticipating for doorway series 3 record which would reduce a need for poor labor. But necessity is a mother of invention as good as a necessity hasnt arisen given of a consistent liquid of poor labor. Japan has a necessity, as good as they have been inventing robots.

    And we cruise which any brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new record contingency be matched with birth control. Humans have been designed to live in a universe where 50% of a immature kids die. We no longer live in which world. we cruise a man who invented manure was thinking which no a singular ever need starve again. But we right divided have some-more unequivocally hungry people than we did prior to a invention of fertilizer, given a invention has authorised us to breed more.

    I dont cruise we can keep growing a republic by 100 million any twenty years as good as a universe by 1 billion any 10. We improved find an additional approach out. Technology is my bet.

  • I establish with we Karla. You have finished unequivocally good points. $10 large macs is customarily an additional magnanimous shock statement

  • a endangered adult pronounced upon twenty-two Sep 2009 during 9:49 pm
    go during a behind of five, no, 10 years


    Lets go during a behind of a small over twenty years ago. Paper routes, grass mowing, quick food as good as most retail jobs were filled not by immigrants though American high school kids, college kids, almost late as good as partial timers looking for additional income. It is not similar to these jobs went undone. Then Reagan granted an leisure with a commitment upon tighter confidence as good as employment/citizenship corroboration would be a norm. Its been a downhill slide ever since.

    The authorised newcomer is not a issue. Thats a moot point. Bringing which up customarily clouds a issue. The immigrants of prior generations, prior to a investiture of existent laws have been not a issue. Thats a moot point. Bringing them up customarily clouds a issue. While a wait time to come in America for most seems as good long, given should we prerogative a law breakers, a bootleg ones? That IS a point.

    Its not a taxpayers shortcoming to finance a commercial operation seductiveness who hires poor labor. Its not a taxpayers shortcoming to finance people who feel entitled to things they cannot afford, be it a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new car, a home or children. Lets not dont consider about which a consumer in search of a cheapest cost in town is additionally subsidized by a taxpayer as well.

    The approach a complement has evolved most find it simpler to have ends encounter NOT being employed. This republic has upheld as good as subsidized a inexperienced low salary earner by a amicable services programs for most most years. We need to put them to work, not import millions more.

  • vast infancy of any commercial operation responsibility goes towards salaries as good as benefits. wish to increase a distinction margin? keep salaries low, keep prices reasonable, sell lots as good as lots when your product is of an reduce peculiarity (e.g. large macs; a success of WalMart). given do US weave companies have all their production plants in china, indonesia, as good as latin america? yep, low salary equates to aloft profits. right divided lets pierce those jobs during a behind of to a states. result? yep, some-more costly jeans as good as nike boots for your small ones.

    did i grow up watching Leave it to Beaver as good as see all a happy teenage kids flipping burgers? sure. though thats a point! which was twenty/thirty years ago. thats NOT 10 years ago. if youre a family in a middle, youre NOT starting to send your child to flip burgers. not when a foe is promulgation their immature kids to commercial operation internships or to denunciation camps or to fill out my college resume programs. if we cant see which change, afterwards youre removing ready for extinction.

    are we vital in a same U.S. here? i suspicion it was a given which a center category is rapidly disappearing. a in THIS universe which a present emanate upon immigration, both authorised as good as indispensably bootleg (necessarily given i still cant come up with an evidence as to given someone would risk their LIVES giving their life-savings to cranky a extent with thugs - unless they felt it NECESSARY) takes upon a global component.

    i appreciate a regard which we appear to have no complaint vouchsafing products as good as finance upsurge from poorer nations in to a own, though not a people. lets take a mercantile scenario a step further.

    forget low-wage jobs which most teenagers i know have been reluctant to take (meaning a white teenagers i know - again, this might be opposite in areas still infancy anglo). what about blue-collar jobs? theyre disappearing non incrementally, though exponentially.

    i agree, when robotics becomes affordable as good as profitable, afterwards both low-wage as good as blue-collar jobs will vanish entirely. afterwards all of humanity will have a in advance evolutionary jump in to possibly star trek utopia or blade runner technocratic goth-world. though until which time, this emanate of immigration is during heart an increasingly genuine subject of SURVIVAL. blue-collar workers have been losing their survival skills. as good as as most as we discuss it Joe car-manufacturer to get an additional grade in mechanism technology, a law is, Joes a gonner. hes a dinosaur.

    you wish to keep your quick foods as good as clothes poor (a conduct of lettuce wont hit $10 given we have sufficient crap to keep creation billions of them, as good as because, check this out, given a supervision already pays out millions upon millions so farmers WONT have some-more - though people? final time i checked, we dont have robots to reinstate them, as good as we still wish a quick food to be quick as good as a hotels cheap), afterwards we have to residence a REALITY which those jobs have been not being over-run by anglo kids anymore.

    im commencement to cruise this blog is dominated by folks who have been all high-tech industry folks or doctors or lawyers. any blue-collar folks out there worried about your future? means were already upon a slicing block.

    i essentially similar to a design of america where we have all income levels. i similar to a design which folks can work tough as good as have their approach up. lets not dont consider about which when were articulate about how a taxes have been beings sucked divided by illegals, a MAJORITY of those who embrace amicable gratification benefits, who have been in misery in a US, a MAJORITY ARE WHITES. theyre us. a ones i see in my area operative dual jobs during minimum wage, wanna theory who they are?

    $10 lettuce guy, give me some-more 411 if im wrong in my comment of costs - in sold a difference in in between work costs as good as product costs when a supervision steps in to finance sure seductiveness groups - similar to farmers as good as their lettuce fields.

  • concerned stated: a MAJORITY of those who embrace amicable gratification benefits, who have been in misery in a US, a MAJORITY ARE WHITES.
    Please yield a current anxiety to justify this statement.

  • Patriot, try these spots:

    Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Statistical inform from 1995
    1.5 million black americans, 2.1 million white americans, 0.8 million latino hispanics
    note which in conditions of percentages, black americans constitute a significantly aloft commission in propinquity to their race than white americans

    Food Stamps census interpretation from 2005
    10.7 million white americans, 8.3 million black americans, 4.8 million latino/hispanics, reduction than 1 million others

    U.S. Census Bureau: Food Stamp Receipt as good as Public Assistance census interpretation 2008
    http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/hh-fam/cps2008.html (download excel record Table C7)
    food stamp receipts: 5.6 million white americans, 3.5 million black americans, 2.7 latino/hispanic americans, 0.8 million others
    open assistance: 1.4 million white americans, 1.1 million black americans, 0.7 million latino/hispanic americans, 0.2 million others

    Now a small comments:

    People RIGHTLY disagree which exact numbers dont simulate percentages of a total (i.e. though some-more white americans embrace open assistance, they have been though a small commission of all white americans; whereas a commission is significantly aloft for black americans as good as latino/hispanic americans.

    Still, a regard is which in conditions of perfect numbers, gratification is caring for most as good as all groups - as good as a winner by a slight domain in conditions of tangible numbers, anglos.

    I couldnt find statistical interpretation differentiating in in between brand new immigrants as good as longer station groups in conditions of gratification recipients. any a single know where a small tough interpretation upon this might be found?

    citizen 12, i whole-heartedly love a design we paint. how i wish we could be there again when flipping burgers was a important summer pursuit for kids as good as retirees didnt thoughts contributing for a bit of loose change. alas, those days have been gone. large commercial operation as good as markets have been pushing us to extremes - impassioned misery or impassioned wealth. as good as in this landscape, it might appear easy to censure illegals, though theyre a partial of which impassioned world. wish to check bootleg immigration? check capitalism run amok as good as revive a clarity of grace to all work, have homes affordable for all people, as good as dont spin a U.S. in to a republic of stockbrokers, word giants, as good as CEOs with posh bonuses who wont reap their own lawns or travel their own dogs or lift their own kids. theory who they hire?

  • Concerned: You have been most acquire for a links. we quite similar to CIS given they delicately footnote their stats. Nothing similar to being equates to to move sources!

    Karla: Does this have sense? Uh, no. Actually. You have a unequivocally odd idea of a judgment of citizenship. Believe me, no offense, though a not all about you, whatever we have been led to believe.

    Concerned adult sez a not a fun when my immigration counsel crony tells me theres literally NO-WAY for those who collect crops or rinse linens to get here legally in to a states. there IS NO LINE to legally mount in for unskilled, untaught workers.

    Well it all depends. There have been work visas for farm work as good as a extent upon them is none. Thats right - no limit. HOWEVER a commercial operation bringing them in has to establish to a sure wage, a small benefits, as good as sure volume of work (as in x months, not customarily as prolonged as needed - 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks, etc). The Biz interests dont wish to do this. Its simpler to sinecure illegals for as prolonged as they wish them, compensate as small as they can get away, with as good as give zip as benefits.

    And given should a US henceforth concede in people who have been unable to take caring of themselves as good as will rely upon estimable open assistance? We have plenty of these in a US now. Do we unequivocally wish third-world vital conditions in a US? Thats where we have been heading.

    And FWIW most countries have distant stricter immigration manners than a US, which is given comparatively couple of US adults could go to most decent countries if they wanted to. Bill Gates as good as his billions have been acquire anywhere. An average $45,000-a-year white collar man even with a BA/BS isnt. There have been people whose family groups have lived in Japan for generations who have been still not deliberate citizens. Think about that.

    And again, Karla: As for mechanization, a US is essentially during a behind of a small countries as distant as farm mechanization is concerned. Why would Farmer Ag-biz buy a unequivocally costly appurtenance which he afterwards has to (1) feed, (2) residence (3) say as good as fix, as good as (4) reinstate during good responsibility after it wears out when he can sinecure low-cost bootleg aliens as good as (1) let them go to internal food banks, etc (2) let them figure out where to live as good as if a twenty to a house, it wont be in HIS neighborhood, (3) dump them off during a ER when they need fixing, as good as (4) simply pierce in a subsequent collection when they wear out? He privatizes a increase as good as socializes a costs. Nice commercial operation devise if we can get it.

    Also when a work he brings in drives salary so low which US adults cant take a jobs though relying heavily upon amicable services, who pays? All of us do. He pays as good though a distinction he gains some-more than offsets his payment. We OTOH dont get his profits; he does.

    But Karla we have been upon to something: Back during a final good call of immigration, there were no amicable services to verbalise of. And about 30-40% of a LEGAL immigrants who came to a US WENT BACK HOME. We have been right divided seeing a small immigrants starting home as jobs dry up.

    So where does this lead:

    In further to H-1B IT specailists precision their replacements, we right divided have housekeepers carrying to sight their replacements? DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? No

  • Lets have a law. Period.

  • E-verify could spin a unequivocally poignant immigration coercion weapon, as a shown to work extremely well? Opponents have used a courts in erroneous lawsuits as a delaying cause though failed to stir a Maryland sovereign judge. This application discloses unapproved immigrants in a workplace, being continually modified in a operation as spreads in to a commercial operation world. It right divided has been unleashed upon supervision contractors as good as subcontractors to locate bootleg unfamiliar labor. We should prerogative those supervision open servants who have battled outward special seductiveness groups for American workers. But denying inaugurated bureau to those who attempted to kill or weaken a capabilities. Americans should harass their politicians to order E-Verify henceforth as good as prepare a operational program offering most uses in a incessant law coercion fight.

    In credit practices it could establish a persons right to buy any vehicle, if in a United States illegally. It could additionally disrupt in advance organizations similar to ACORN which was instrumental in aiding unfamiliar nationals buying residence mortgages, which had a major cadence in a genuine estate collapse. E-Verify could benefit emergency rooms identify bootleg immigrants regulating forged documents as good as enable law coercion to track a employer. That commercial operation should be forced to compensate for a persons injury or diagnosis instead of a proverbial taxpayers. Schools, colleges could check brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new student admittances for their immigration status. The E-Verification identification complement could get ahead countless alternative extraction processes, in last a persons right to supervision benefits.


  • $10 large macs is customarily an additional magnanimous shock statement

    also a wonderful proof of their learn of economics, or a miss thereof.

  • Whats up with a painting for this thread. Does which small lady essentially have her palm in a fist similar to a black panthers??? She looks similar to shes ready to punch someone out!

  • Immigration remodel is a joke. Illegal immigration has probably altered all of a lives, a schools, a work, a government, probably all facets of a lives.
    If a law was followed, we would have no need for a BS of immigration reform. Such a tenure is customarily for those who wish to approve everybody who crossed a extent as good as those who will go upon to cranky a border. There is NO vigilant to halt or stop extent crossings in any box of a uncover of a fence so there is no genuine vigilant to diminish a upsurge as good as stop illegals; customarily a BS verbalise of weak politicians.

    We have been flat being overrun with illegals as good as all a grief which is opening with it which will positively shift a landscape of this republic perpetually - as good as yes, which is bad, not good.

    As for a churches, it is customarily a singular some-more e.g. of laws being damaged as good as a miss of supervision finalise to stop it.

    We, a People, havent been running this republic given a 60s. Politicians have annoited themselves, stretched a bloated supervision as good as wrote regulations, law as good as created of a bureacracy which is out of carry out as good as outlayed any penny we can have in a lifetime. Illegals spin legals with a cadence of a coop after a straw opinion as good as afterwards a done. They win, we go upon to remove as good as for what purpose, what gain?

  • Anon35 pronounced upon 25 Sep 2009 during 3:58 pm:

    Whats up with a painting for this thread. Does which small lady essentially have her palm in a fist similar to a black panthers??? She looks similar to shes ready to punch someone out!

    She had punched someone out - with a benefit of a liberals, magnanimous politicians, as good as their corrupt supporters - she - along with a alternative millions of illegals - has punched out America!

    Wonder if a vigilant of which painting is to fool around upon a sympathies?

    Anyone display sympathy for illegals is display misplaced sympathy!

  • Cynic -

  • Garden accumulation Sun King communist promotion striking art:





  • http://www.antiquiet.com/news/2009/04/shepard-fairey-zack-de-la-rocha-immigration-poster/

  • Illegal Aliens (666)

    Under categories, upon a right. Now is not which an interesting number!

  • a endangered adult pronounced upon twenty-three Sep 2009 during 7:36 pm

    CC - a design we embellished had some-more to do with a distribution of work than what race is removing assistance.

    Business has regularly been equates to to expostulate down a cost of work when there is a over-abundance of it. With a initial as good as second amnesty, along with a blind eye upon a borders, a over-abundance of inexperienced as good as almost learned work went sky high.

    This over-abundance has additionally been compounded by a continued outsourcing of jobs both in a production as good as commercial operation services industries. This has resulted in a reduction as good as recession of income, shifted a operative demographics as good as increased a direct for benefit from all amicable services resources.

    It is easy to censure a illegals for most reasons. Its additionally easy to censure everybody who gives them assistance, those who destroy to have a laws as good as others who break them.

    What is difficult is removing any positive action receiving place after we have identified a aim areas for correction. As we have seen, when a domestic structure fails to fright a people it no longer even tries to cover up a corruption.

    I will indicate a finger during both domestic parties, untrustworthy commercial operation people as good as all people, bootleg or differently which feat a complement which a taxation essential adults of this republic put in place.

    The customarily approach to lift salary as good as improve a peculiarity of reason up for all mercantile levels will be to reduce a over-abundance of labor.

    As distant as who will get hired to reap lawns, travel dogs as good as lift kidsget absolved of a bootleg people, cut during a behind of upon amicable services as good as begin putting equates to bodied people to work go upon they wish to work or not.

  • Unemployment between 16 to twenty-four year old Americans seeking employment is up to 52.2 percent FIFTY TWO-Point-TWO PERCENT!!!

  • 52.2% by Anonymous -

    Well, have been not a liberals perplexing to get it to 100.00%?

    Why should adults work when we can have illegals do a work during recuced salary - though during most aloft amicable costs (much aloft taxes)?

  • http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/the_dead_end_kids_AnwaWNOGqsXMuIlGONNX1K



  • Here is a riddle which appeared in a singular of my e-mails. Who knows a answer?

    Why is it which if we cranky a North Korean extent illegally we get thrown in to jail as good as get twelve years of tough labor?

    If we cranky a Iranian extent whilst out presumably resting hiking in a hills we get arrested as good as imprisoned.

    But if we cranky a U.S. Border illegally we get a drivers license, a Social Security label as good as giveaway illness care.

    Whos splendid idea was this?

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